Chapter 9 part 2

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Final part to chapter 9 hope you guys are enjoying the story I'm sore everywhere but Im still trying for you losers(jk love yall😂❤️)

The last time, was just after coming to the Danvers'. Jeremiah and Eliza thought it would be helpful to conduct a ceremony—something like a funeral—to help Kara and Kal process everything that had happened. Kal had read the traditional Kryptonian rites, but what was the point with no bodies to send to Rao? Kara couldn't say if the exercise helped at all. She spent most of the ceremony picking at a loose thread on the silk bow on the dress's front.

Now, Kara avoided dresses as much as possible.

Regardless, Alex and Maggie pushed Kara into a change room, throwing dress after dress in after her. Kara tried them all on, miserably, finding some problem with every option.

"This one is too tight."

"Too many ruffles."

"Blue really isn't my colour."

Kara stared at the stack of bright dresses Maggie thrust towards her in complete dismay. Her eyes drifted enviously over to the boys, who admired each other in their smart, simple dress robes, happily adjusting each other's collars and bow ties.

"Maggie, I don't know. None of these feel like me..." Kara began to protest against Maggie's pile of dresses, then whipped around as Alex cleared her throat from the other side of the shop.

"What about these?" Alex asked. Kara's eyes lit up at the sight of the dark, navy blue dress robes Alex held up from the men's section. Kara's face providing all the response she needed, Alex addressed the shop attendant. "Could we get these taken in for her?"

The woman glanced between Kara and the robes. "That's not exactly traditional..."

Alex arched an eyebrow. "Neither is my sister."

A few minutes and some magical alterations later, Kara was staring at herself in the mirror, feeling more like herself in formal clothes than she ever had before. Navy pants sat snug on her narrow hips, a crisp white shirt tucked into them, and three gold buttons gleamed on a burgundy waistcoat. The jacket of the robes matched the pants, and melded around her shoulders before dropping down to about mid calf. Kara thrust her hands in the pockets ("I can carry snacks in these!") and spun this way and that, grinning at her reflection.

"Told you blue was your colour," Alex said smugly, beaming at her sister.

James and Winn's heads popped out from behind, and they whooped and whistled in appreciation of Kara's look.

"You're so fancy! Gold cufflinks and everything!" Winn exclaimed, holding Kara's wrist up to examine them closely.

James chuckled and rubbed his jaw as he looked Kara up and down. "May I?" He indicated the tie that hung loose around her neck, which she had fumbled over until she had eventually given up, deciding she'd figure out how to enchant it later.


Kara smiled up at James as he expertly did Kara's tie up, delicately straightening out the fabric with his strong hands. "There," he said and spun Kara back around to the mirror. "You look fantastic."

Kara drew in a deep breath, smoothing the front of her dress robes down with her hands. "Thanks guys," she murmured, her cheeks starting to get sore from grinning.

Maggie cackled gleefully in the background. "Lena's gonna flip when she sees you."

Kara's heart sank slightly when she remembered that at the end of the day, Lena was going with someone matter how good she looked. But, seeing herself like this gave her a boost of confidence, and she held onto hope for the dance Lena had promised her. "That's the plan," she murmured, and tugged at her lapels.

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