Flying before walking

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Warning:Long chapter 😂

In the weeks after the announcement, it seemed that the Triwizard Tournament was all the entire school could think or talk about. Excitement mounted as, day by day, more names were thrust into the goblet's blue flames.

Kara patted Barry on the back as he came away from the goblet with a toothy grin stretched across his face.

"I've got to give it a shot, right?" he said hopefully, and Kara beamed in response as she munched on an apple. Alex flopped into the seat next to Kara, eying the goblet strangely.

"Thinking of entering?" Kara asked and Alex shook her head firmly.

"No way. People die doing this thing, did you know that? I have a family to think about."

Kara grinned slyly. "You and Maggie moving that quick, huh?"

Alex rolled her eyes and gave Kara a shove. "No, dumbass. I'm talking about you. You'd be lost without me, wouldn't you?"

Kara chuckled and tucked herself into her sister's side. "Of course I would be; you know that."

Alex sighed and wrapped her arm around Kara's shoulders, giving them a squeeze as she gave the goblet in front of them a wary look. "You're not thinking of entering, right?"

"You know, for a Gryffindor, you sure are a worry wart."

Alex scoffed. "Being a Gryffindor doesn't mean throwing yourself into danger at every opportunity, you know," she said defensively.

"I know," Kara said with an affectionate grin as she leaned her head against Alex's shoulder. "You're the bravest person I know, Al."

It was true: Alex had been her fiercest protector ever since she came to live with the Danvers as a young girl. When the dreams of fire and smoke and screams woke Kara in the middle of the night, Alex was always there in an instant, and she would hold her and run her fingers through her hair until she was able to eventually fall back asleep. To this day, Kara had no idea how Alex always seemed to be there the second she needed her, but it was some kind of magic for which Kara was infinitely grateful.

Alex sighed and rested her head on Kara's, biting her lip as she looked up at the goblet. "Seriously, though. Are you?"

Kara followed her sister's gaze to the goblet. She became lost in the flames for a moment, before she felt her stomach twist uncomfortably and she pulled her eyes away.

"No, Al, you don't need to worry," she promised softly. "I'd rather watch whoever the champion is battle their way to infinite glory, or whatever...Besides, I'm far too busy organising this inter-school quidditch tournament for Professor Grant." Kara indicated the roll of parchment she was working on in front of her. It was a flyer she had designed to promote tryouts for the school team. Naturally, not all of the quidditch players in the school could play on the Hogwarts team, so they would have to hold tryouts to select the best of the best.

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