Chapter One: Locker Room Pressure

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Gym class, also known as living hell. If it isn't enough having to run around for an hour - it's having everyone watch you do so. But I guess that still doesn't excuse my cold lungs and heavy breathing.

We played volleyball for the last 30 minutes of the lesson. Honestly, I don't know why this class is compulsory if what I want to be when I'm out of school is anything other than an athlete.

The only thing worse than gym is the banter within the girl's locker room. I remember my first high school gym experience I walked into the boy's locker room. If I were forced to go back to that day - I would avert my eyes a lot quicker. That was the first time I got caught up in a rumour, a scandal if you will, untrue things were said and were travelling at a rapid speed around the school. I can't believe I was such an idiot back then and didn't read the apparent signs around me. For a few weeks after that, I was the talk of the school.

It wasn't until some nerd tripped and fell face first into the toilet that I was off the hook. Finally. After that, people started to see I was a nice person and not a threat to the democratic hierarchy of high school. It felt good to be on the other side of gossip and not the one for being slammed for every wrong thing you do. I would never start a rumour about anyone, I don't believe in that sort of thing.

Gossip in the changerooms is frightening. I try to stay out of it as much as possible, but sometimes you just can't prevent it.

Before you go all weird and stop reading - I must confess... I'm an actual cheerleader. But I'm far from cute. I think.

After class, all the girls headed to the dreaded locker room. The subject of boys immediately was plucked from the abyss.

"Tyler told me Blake likes you," Hadley teased Jenna, pulling her shorts off and replacing them with her fishnet stockings.

"Really? I can't believe it!" Jenna jumped in her spot. "You're not lying right?"

"No way."

I smiled to myself. I took my cheerleading uniform from my bag and took my ugly gym top off.

I was minding my own business, and then it happened.

"So, Leia?" Jenna called from her locker. It all happened so fast.

"Who do you like?" Hadley chimed in. I felt like a deer in headlights.

"W-what? No, I don't like anyone," I threw back at them. I wanted to run away as fast as I could. Their eyes narrowed.

"Come on, Leia. You can tell us. It will be our little secret." The words run in my head like a line from a horror movie. My least favourite kind of movie.

I had to say something, I couldn't just keep telling them I liked no one. So instead I made up a lie. The first person to come to my head. "Kyle Ville," I spat quickly. My eyes closed tight.

I opened them suddenly to see them both smiling at me. I knew this wasn't going to be a secret. And Just for the record; I definitely do not like Kyle.

Kyle and I have some history and not the romantic kind. He's the devil.

I tried to drive the conversation in a different direction. "So? Mike's party tonight. You two going?"

"Depends," Jenna said.

"Anyway, we should be going," Hadley quickly said after. It was to my surprise they were both already fully dressed, cake on their face and everything. "Come and sit with us. Ok?" Hadley waved.

Of course, she didn't mean it. Sitting with them would be hell. And I doubt she would remember ever inviting me.

I finished slipping on my cheerleader outfit and tied my shoelaces and made my way to the field for practice.

On my way I stopped at my locker to put some books away, in the corner of my eye I spotted Kyle coming my way.

"Hey gorgeous," he leaned on his locker. I slammed my door shut and glared at him before making a grand exit.

"Careful that skirt doesn't ride up, I'll be watching," he added. I could hear him wink behind me. I've learnt to ignore it by now. My eyes are getting tired from all that rolling.

When I got to the field my team was waiting for me, it didn't faze me that it took so long (sorry not sorry). I noticed my cheer captain, who just so happens to be the meanest but most popular girl at our school, had lined up a couple of newbies. That's when everything clicked in my head; Audition day!

These were my favourite days. Seeing how well people improve from previous auditions and watching freshman get turned down. I swear I'm not a mean person.

"Glad you could join us," Paris flipped her hair and walked over to the CD player. She said her usual speech which went something like - "I am so excited to see all the amazing talent today, do your best and remember just because you're hot doesn't mean you'll gain a spot." It was a mediocre speech with very little truth behind her words. She loves to watch people fail, and she's not afraid to speak her mind.

"Ok, ladies, let's show them the basic routine." All the cheer girls got up from their bench and joined me standing. We got into formation just as Paris hit the play button and ran into her front and centre stance. Behind me, I could hear the jocks wooing and clapping. The routine went smoothly, but I do have to admit it is a little hard for beginners. Especially trying to memorise everything.

Paris made the girls do the routine on a loop, easily tiering them out by the second one. She went around tapping people out as they made mistakes until there was one girl left. She was smaller than a lot of the girls on the team, but she wasn't huffing and puffing like the other contenders before her. I later found out her name was Riley. From the brief conversation I had with her, she seems like a nice person.

Throughout the rest of practice, Riley and I giggled about the of littlest things. I made a mental note in my head to sometime soon invite her to hang out with my best friend Caylee and myself. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

After practice, Caylee met me at my car with two cups of coffee. Caylee doesn't go to my school, she gets homeschooled by her aunt. Her mother died when she was little, her father was abusive and is now in prison. Thank goodness.

"Hey, babe," she said leaning away from the car and running at me for a hug. "How was school?"

"Life ruining," I breathed hopelessly.

"Oh, so just the usual then," she laughed. I giggled into her hair. I didn't want to tell her about what happened in the change room. But Caylee knows me way too well. "There's something you're not telling me," she pulled away to read my face.

"No, I don't know what you're talking about," I said running to the front seat and stealing one of the drinks from Caylee's hand. I knew she was eventually going to squeeze it out of me.

Caylee has always been the better one of us when it comes to clothes and makeup, so I agreed for her to help me out for tonight. We talked the whole way home.

"Ok, spill," she demanded.

"It happened in the locker room, I was minding my own business, and then I heard my name come up in conversation," I quickly spat out. Caylee gasped.

She gathered her breath and asked, "What happened next?"

"They asked me who I liked and kept pushing for an answer until they broke me," I dramatically hung my head in shame. "I told them I like...Kyle Ville."

Caylee gasped again.

"You don't though...right?"

"Of course not," I couldn't believe she would ask such a thing. My eyes stayed connected to the road.

After that we listened to the radio, jamming out to all the old music they played and pretending we were in music videos, the whole way home.

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