Chapter 11

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Raquel's POV:

Dear Raquel, my beautiful cousin,

I know you are reading this letter a month later since I wrote it because either I didn't die when I was supposed to or you were to lazy OR you forgot about the letter. But I have a feeling it's the last one...but any who, to answer your question, yes I knew I was going to die. The reason I didn't tell anyone was because everyone would start worrying and act like I disabled or some sh*t. (Lol) 

Raquel, I love you so much and I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want you to worry because you had so much going on already. But things happen and eventually you would get over this. I promise.

So back to what I was planning to really say, my shop. I already bought the space for it I just had to do the construction and decor and all that. Just make it the way you think I would have it. Maybe a big ass Filipino flag coming down in front of the cash register. :) And then you could have all the Caribbean island flags next to it on each side. Yes! Perfect! I could see it now!

Now you are probably wondering... Vicky where tha f*ck you expect me to get all the money for this sh*t?

Well my lovely person, there is money provided for you in your name from me. YOU'RE WELCOME! Nah I'm just kidding but, there is money for the shop. 

The money I left for you and Kris, is something separate and all the information on how to get that money is on the next page of this letter. I mean you could do whatever you want with it, it's actually in your name. You could decide on your own to share it with Kris. And tell her I said thank you for everything and I love her very much.

I hope you guys worked things out but if not then there is a reason. Maybe there is someone else out there that is perfect for you.

I love you so much baby and I wish I could of stayed a little longer but God was calling me. Take care of yourself and our family. I'm always going to be with you in your heart so don't worry about anything.

Love, Vicky xoxoxo

P.S. Make sure you try to help Lino. I think after my death he would man up and become himself again. Just please help him. Oh! And keep your head up boo! Imma miss you! Love you!


I placed the letter down on the bed and started crying. I was really going to miss Vicky so much. She was there for me through so much sh*t when I was younger but when we got disconnected from each other I felt empty for a while. I always used to think she would come back and take me with her wherever she was going but that didn't happen.

But that day when I saw her at the stripp club, I couldn't believe my eyes. I finally found her and a year later we were close again. I really miss that girl so much and I just wish she could be with me in times like these. She would tell me don't worry and follow your heart and do what's right.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up noticing it was Kris calling. "Hey boo." I spoke into the phone.

"Hey what's up?" She asked. I laid back in the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Nothing. I just finished reading the letter Vicky wrote me." I sniffed and wiped my eyes again.

"Oh. How was it?"

"Well she basically answered my questions and gave me some closure. Oh and is it okay if you come over?"

"Sure!" She answered quickly. "I was gonna ask you the same thing too. I have a few more things that I need to pick up."

I got out my bed and went to the bathroom still on the line with Kris. "I'm going to shower and make some breakfast. You want some?" I asked her.

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