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Pansy's POV
   I’ve been locked down in there basement for God knows how long. If they don’t let me go soon, I don’t know what I’ll do. I thought to myself.
I heard the basement door open and someone come down the stairs, it was Draco, he looked like he was coming apart at the seems.
“Why wont you just tell me where she is! I’ll never love you! I love her, for merlin's sake she’s having my child"! He yelled at me.
I looked at the ground. He will love me. I’ll do what ever I have to.
I heard Draco get called back upstairs and sat down on the bed they had provided me. Thinking.
He will love me one way, or another. If getting her out of the way wont work, then ill have to become her. I thought of my brilliant idea planning it all out except, how do I get out of here?
I looked around and sighed, I was to big to fit out of any of the windows, and if I tried to go out the stairs. Well as I found out the first few times, I get electrocuted and thrown down the stairs.
I fell asleep and was woken up to Talia's mother letting me go. I was shocked but she said if I knew anything I would of have gave it up by now. I ran down the street and apparated to my house as fast as I could.
Draco's POV
   I sat in the living room as they let her go. I sighed.
“I hope you know what your doing".
“Trust me. She knows something, but she's not going to give it up, so we let her go thinking she's free and have the boys follow and trace her, she will lead us to where Talia is”. Piper said handing me a cup of tea.
I realized Pipers way of handling stress was to cook or clean. Consistantly.
I watched as Wyatt orbed out following Pansy, and Chris and Leo tracked her. I felt useless. I went and laid down in Talia's room. Being around her things and her sent made me feel a bit better. But the pain of her being gone was still there. Soon I drifted off to sleep for the first time in a few days.
Piper must of have put something in the tea to help me. I thought right before slipping in to a dreamless slumber.
Pansy's POV
   I called for Dylan.
Soon a big gray cat appeared.
“What". He said quietly.
“I need to get the power to shapeshift. I have a plan”.
He yawned and cocked his head to the side. “Are you sure you want me to give you a demonic power there's no going back".
I nodded and suddenly there was a transfer of dark energy from him to me. He nodded to the secret portal he hid in my room, that goes to his lair. We went in and came out in the main room of his hide out.
He shifted into his human form.
“So what is this plan, that you need to be able to shapeshift for”? He said crossing his arms.
I smirked and decided to just show him instead. I used my new powers to shapeshift in to Talia.
He grinned. “I could have a use for this".
I frowned. “What’s that suppose to mean"?
“Never mind, continue explaining". He said firmly.
“I shapeshift in to Talia, looking pregnant of course. Convince them that she escaped. Get Draco to really impregnate me, you use your demonic powers to speed up the pregnancy, I live as Talia. And you get to keep her and the baby. We both get exactly what we want”. I said coming up to him and pushing my new found chest on him.
He looked thoughtful for a second. “If you can pull this off. How will you explain not having her powers"?
“Easy. I bound my powers, to protect me and the baby, no powers no evil baby to take over the underworld”. I said looking up at him, batting the long eyelashes I now had.
He smirked, grabbed my arms tightly, and pushed me up against the wall.
“Stay in her form, and keep your trap shut. I hate your voice, you’ll have to work on that. But first, a lesson on how she has sex. Because Draco will be able to tell a difference”.
“What’s that s-" I was cut off by him kissing me and I wrapped my legs around him.
“No, not yet. She works up to the excitement, she doesn’t just jump the gun”. He said pushing my legs down.
   He spent the whole time correcting me in how she has sex. I was irritated but knew I needed to learn how to perfectly imitate her. Once I got it down, he seemed in a higher state of enjoyment than he had ever been when I did it my way. He was rough. Almost like an animal. He held my neck and was grunting and panting with each thrust. But it felt amazing.
Why did she ever leave him. I wondered to myself.
As he finished, he called out Talia's name. I pushed him off of me and threw my cloths on.
“You better get use to that. Draco will be calling you that”. He said with a smirk as he laid in bed naked.
I frowned. He was right.
Talia's POV
   I astral projected in to my bed room. Draco was sound asleep. I tiptoed around the bed and got the vanquishing potion out of my dresser. I can do this, I told myself. I used everything I had to bring it back to my physical body with me.
I came back to my body and smiled when I felt the cool vile in my hands still.
I did it. I really did it. I hid the vile in my bra and waited. I had to make sure I did this just right or I would be dead.
I heard some movement outside the door, when It opened my jaw dropped.
It was me.
Only not pregnant.
“Get a good look at her. And make it fast”. I heard Dylan say. “And copy her voice for christ sake. Your voice is like nails on a chalkboard”.
“I know okay shut up". I heard Pansy's voice come from the second me.
“What the fuck is going on"? I asked.
“What the fuck is going on"? She copied perfectly.
“Good, now go you know what to do". Dylan said.
She left and he came in. He smiled at me. I glared at him.
“What”? I asked.
“Well let’s just say. I taught her how to move like you during sex”. He smiled. “She is going to replace you, so you can stay here with me, forever”.
My face got hot, who did he think he was. He came closer to me and all of a sudden a blue force field appeared around me and my belly.
Just like Wyatt did for mom. I thought to myself.
He scolded down at me. “Nothing will change about my plan, this just makes it a bit more difficult. But I like challenges”  he said with a smirk. He started reaching in to the force field, forcing his way through. I could see the veins popping out of his neck from effort.
He tried harder as his eyes turned completely black and his nails elongated piercing through the force field. He grabbed my neck and a hundred memories of him abusing me came flooding back. I tried to get away but he tightened his grip. I let out a cry as his nails dug in to my neck.
“Your Mine". He growled as he forcefully kissed me I tried pushing him away with one hand, and getting the potion with the other. But he shoved me down.
“NO"! I screamed. Tears were running down my face.
Wyatt’s POV
I was hovering around Pansy's window when she started talking to a cat. Dylan. He can shapeshift.
I noticed an exchange of power, and told my dad to go alert the others, to be prepared. I watched as they entered through a portal hidden by magic in her wall. Once they were both through the portal I went in her room and looked around. She had so many different things about the Malfoys. She was obsessed.
   I entered the portal and hid, I was trying to find my way around as I heard some grunting. I peaked around a corner.
What the hell. I closed my eyes and shook my head. Talia wouldn’t be having sex with that demon, would she? I peaked again and noticed. She wasn’t pregnant where’s her baby bump?
I hid as he called out Talia’s name and they were done.
“You better get use to that. Draco will be calling you that”. I heard him say.
Its Pansy. I heard them leave the room so got closer to where they went so I could hear.
They opened a door and went in. I waited a few minutes and only Pansy left.
Do I follow her or try and save her on my own? I thought to myself.
I heard Talia screaming and reacted. I rushed through the door and used my powers to throw him across the room.
Talia's neck was bleeding and she was crying. She got her hand lose from her restraint and reached in to her shirt, pulled out a potion and threw it at Dylan. It hit him square in the chest.
Nice throw, I thought.
Flames erupted from his body and he started to scream.
But then the flames died out and he was breathing hard.
“GO"! She yelled at me. “Get help". I hesitated but left. Knowing it would do us no good to both be caught and trapped by him. I just pray he doesn't hurt her to bad. I orbed back in to the living room and everyone was staring at me.
“Pansy is going to try and trick us by shapeshifting in to Talia, but we’ve got bigger problems, I found her, and she did it she threw the potion and got him, but it didn’t work!” I was breathing heavily from panic.
“what! How could it not work that’s my strongest potion, its stronger than the ones we used to kill cole!” mom said anxiously.
We all stood in silence not sure what to do.
Talia's POV

I looked at Dylan in disbelief. How was he still alive. He looked at me and his demon side was completely out. His teeth were all sharp, his eyes were completely black, and he was terrifying. I was trying to think fast of the spells I knew that might work, but my fear had my mind frozen.
“I’m going to kill your brother. Then your next.” He said as he shimmered out.
I started crying. Terrified. For my family and for my baby.
“What am I going to do!” I screamed in anger.
Dracos POV
I woke up to Talia standing in my room with a sweet smile. She looked horrible. I jumped up and ran to her.
She hugged me and I couldn’t believe she was real.
“How did you escape?” I asked.
“after I bound my powers, simultaneously binding the babys, we were no use to him… he let me go…” she said looking at the ground.
I blinked. And shook my head. “why did you dind your powers, now you cant protect yourself from everything else.”
“wh- what do you mean, theres nothing else to worry about.” She stuttered.
I thought to what Talia told me about growing up, how she has been fighting demons her whole life simply because of her blood line. And how the demons thought killing anyone from their blood line would cause a gain in rank.
“Pansy. Where is Talia?” I asked.
She blinked. “What, I am Talia.” She said nervously.
Just then we heard yelling and screaming coming from down stairs. I looked at pansy, and ran downstairs. I was a demon I assumed was Dylan from what I’d seen attacking. Fireballs were being thrown everywhere. Things were exploding and crashing. Wyatt ran up to me and grabbed my arm. He orbed us off as Talias mother and aunts trapped Dylan in a crystal cage.

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