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Talia's POV
   We were coming inside from playing in the snow, it sounds childish but it was fun, and this was the last night together before we had class. We went up to the common room and changed in to dry cloths. Then headed to the main hall I was looking at the paintings smiling and moving around, I don’t think I’d ever get tired of this place. Draco came up to the main hall and we walked in the dinning hall.
There were all sorts of chocolates and dishes, Turkey, ham, casseroles.
“What’s the feast for"? I asked Draco eyeing the chocolate.
“No idea, but it looks delicious”. He said as we sat down. I put a little ham on my plate, and some green beans casserole.
Draco ate some chocolate brownies.
“Ugh this is so good". He said after he swallowed. “Try this”. He said smiling, as he held it up to my face, I chuckled and took a bite.
He was right it was delicious, we ate a bit more, then both of us wanted to go back to my room. We practically ran, giggling and laughing all the way.
When we got to my room we shut the door and he practically threw me on the bed and jumped on top of me. We started laughing and I kissed him. He pulled my pants off, then took his off and got up to get a condom out of my drawer. Then jumped back on the bed.
   After He fell asleep holding me and playing with my hair. I laid in bed and looked at him.
“I love you”. I whispered as I kissed his jaw.  I fell asleep.
The only thing I dreamed of that night was an Evil laugh, echoing as it said “Your mine".
I woke up in a cold sweat the sun was just coming up. I crept out of bed and went to take a shower. I had the water on as hot as I could handle, I still got goosebumps when I thought of the voice.
I got out of the shower and put some cloths on. Draco was still sleeping so I left him a note that I was going to the get some food.
   I sat in the dinning hall and the few students who were still here, were all sitting far apart with there heads down, that’s strange, I thought to myself. I looked at the main tables where the teachers sat, even a few of the teachers looked uncomfortable.
I nibbled on some pancakes and drank my coffee. Draco came and sat next to me and looked at everyone as I had done.
“Are they acting weird to you”? He said in a whisper.
“Yeah, like super ashamed of something"? I smirked. It was kind of funny.
   I waited for him to finish eating, so we could get everything ready to start class.
  The next few weeks were full of class, test, and me and Draco spending a lot of time together. His mother and father, so the letter said, wrote me and wanted my mother and I to come visit them over spring break. I thought it was sweet Draco was amused that they planned it with out telling him.
“My mother really likes you. And my father approves of you and your family. So hopefully this wont be a complete failure.” He said thoughtfully.
   Soon it was Easter weekend. I packed a bag to stay at Draco’s, his parents had invited us for the weekend. I packed my cold Medicine after taking some, my nose had started running almost non stop the last week or so. Allergies, I rolled my eyes as I zipped up my bag.
Draco smiled at me as I came out of my room and into the common room, carrying my bag.
“Your nose is so cute all red and your stuffy voice”. He teased kissing my forehead and taking my bag.
“Hey, don’t make fun of me I could be getting the flu, and I can carry my own bag" I said jokingly.
“If my mom sees you carrying your own bag, while ‘sick' she would have my head". He smiled at me as we headed through the Dungeon to the stairs to go to the main hall. 
  We met up with our parents and they apparated us to the Malfoy manor. After a tour through the house Narcisica had us sit for lunch. She gave me a herbal tea concoction, to help with my cold. Our parents were hitting it off, chatting away. Even Lucius was talking freely with my mother. Me and Draco were talking about our plans for summer when he stopped and looked at me.
“Are you okay, you look, pale, actually kind of green" he said touching my hand.
I had been ignoring my turning stomach all day. I got up and ran to the bathroom and slamming the door behind me. I was on my knees trying to hold my hair out of the way.
I heard the door open as I heaved again.
“here”. Draco said as he grabbed my hair and held it out of the way for me.
I used some toilet paper and cleaned off my face , got up and rinsed out my mouth. Draco rubbed my arm.
“Are you okay"?
I looked in the mirror. I had red dots next to my eyes, popped blood vessels. “Yeah, that was just waiting to happen”. I joked.
He looked at me worriedly “What do you mean"?
I sighed. “I’ve been nauseous since i woke up, its probably all the mucus from my cold". I smiled them used some mouth wash to clean out my mouth.
We went back to the table and again I explained I thought it was my cold, that made me puke. And we were shown to our rooms. Mom came in my room with me and made me lay down and relax. I sighed.
“I feel horrible that I’m sick on this visit”. I curled up on the big comfy bed.
“Hun you cant control when you get sick,” she felt my forehead. “Are you sure your sick though"? She said quizzically.
“What”? I said looking at her.
She raised an eyebrow, “When was your last period. Because remember when I told you how I found out I was pregnant with your brother Chris, I had a cold. Around the same time I found out".
I took out my planner and looked at the last period I had logged. My face went white. “I didn’t have one last month..”
Mom rubbed my back sympathetically and kissed my head.
“Well find a reason to go to town tomorrow and you can by a test, okay. It’ll be okay". She got up and when to her room. And I started to cry. Fuck . I cant be pregnant. We’ve been so safe. How?
I cried myself to sleep.
   I woke up the next morning with puffy eyes and feeling like crap again. I got up and showered and tried to make myself look presentable. I put on a jacket, some pants and some boots. I put my hair up in a bun and headed out to the kitchen.
I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down, me and the house elves were the only ones up. The house elves muttered to themselves, I finished my coffee before Draco came down. He was still in his pajamas, flannel pants and a big tee shirt, I smiled.
“Good morning". I said as I grabbed the coffee and got myself another cup.
He mumbled something sounding like morning love and sat down, and got himself some coffee. I chuckled and nibbled on some plain toast.
   Soon everyone was sitting with us, and my mom casually asked if we could go to town because she wanted a gift for my brothers. After making plans to go to town everyone else went to get ready, I stayed in the kitchen and tried to fight off my nausea.
   The Malfoys went to some other shops while mom distracted Draco so I could by the pregnancy test. I hid the test in my purse and we finished our trip for the rest of the day. Narcisica took us to a fancy wizard restaurant and we ate lunch together. I excused myself to the rest room. Deciding to take one of the two test that came in the box.
“Okay, this is it, it’s going to come out negative and everything’s okay”. I said to myself.
I peed on the stick for five seconds and laid it flat on the toilet paper dispenser. I counted the minutes by counting the seconds.
Longest three minutes ever.
I grabbed the test with my hands shaking.
Two little pink lines.
I sighed and stuck the test in my purse. Washed my hands and went back to my seat, plastering a smile on my face.
“You okay"? Mom whispered leaning towards me.
I tried to smile at her and she drew a plus sign in her mashed potatoes, answering one of Draco’s question, then looking at me and taking a bite of my potatoes to get rid of the plus. I smirked and nodded.
   Back at the manor I went to my room and mom followed me up, and shut the door.
“Are you sure”? She asked.
“Yes”. I pulled the test out of my purse and showed her.
“On the plus side, I’m finally a grandma, but I know your probably freaking out". She said with a smile, I couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“I’m scared. We’ve only been together for a little under a year. Mom, I love him, but this changes everything. What if he dosnt want it what if" she cut me off.
“If it’s meant to be, it will be. Just tell him. And go from there. You will always have me, I love you darling she said brushing my hair out of my face.
“When are you going to tell him”?
I thought for a moment.
“Probably before we go to bed tonight. The sooner the better”. I sighed.  She nodded and headed out of the room.
We dressed for dinner. Narcisica said it was going to be a dinner party to meet the family. I put on the black form fitting strapless dress she left out for me. Because I didn’t have anything. I curled my hair and put some earrings in. And put on the heels she left for me. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe how I looked. Sexy and sophisticated. I smiled.
   I headed down to the kitchen and found everyone else was already there. Draco came up to me with a huge smile and gave me a kiss, I blushed.
“You look absolutely gorgeous”. He whispered in my ear. “You were right I really did want to see you try, huh"? He smiled.
I thought back to our first date when I told him he should see me really try to look good. I laughed. “Yep I was right". I took his arm and he introduced me to his grandparents, and aunts and uncles, his mother was doing the same for my mom. The night was going beautifully. Until my nausea hit again. I rushed to the nearest bathroom, Draco on my heels. I cleaned myself up when I was done.
“Are you really okay what’s going on"? He asked with a worried look.
“Sit”. I said as I put the toilet seat down and sat him on it.
“I’m pregnant, I just found out this afternoon”. I said before he had a chance to question me anymore.
He didn’t say anything. “Hello"? I said to him worried.
He pulled me to him and kissed my belly. He looked up at me smirking and then he frowned. “What’s wrong why are you crying”? He asked standing up.
I touched my cheek. I was crying and I didn’t even realize it. “Because I was scared you were going to leave me, or not believe me. And hormones”. I joked about the last part and chuckled I got my self composed and he gave me a long kiss before we headed back out to have dinner. As we were walking down the hall he leaned to me and whispered.
“Who all knows"?
“Just my mom". I whispered back.
His face went white. “She's not going to blow me up, is she”?
I laughed. “No, In fact, she was kind of excited to be a grandmother”. A look of relief came over him as he relaxed. We sat down and ate dinner. My mother eyeing me, knowingly. After the other relatives left and it was just us, my mother cleared her throat.
“I think there's something you'd like to share with us". She said raising an eyebrow.
I blushed and squeezed Draco's hand.
“She’s pregnant”. He said it for us, looking calm, but the hold he had on my hand said otherwise.
Lucius  raised an eyebrow, and Narcisica's eyes lit up.
“I’m going to be a grandma”! She smiled. She looked at my mom.
“This is why you wanted to go to town, she told you"? She asked with a sly smile.
“Surprise"? My mom said with a shrug and a smile.
“On to the more important aspect of this. Protection”. My mom said firmly.
“What"? Lucius said confused.
“When I was pregnant with all three of my children, my powers were sometimes, on the fritz". She looked at me. “My exploding power. Would sent flowers or fireworks, raining over the demons. Sometimes I’d freeze the whole block from inside the house, and other times it wouldn’t work at all”. I looked down. With Dylan around. I’d be at risk.
“You’ve got just a few months left. After school. Your at a high risk for needing protecting”.
“I’ll stay with her, were ever she is”. Draco said firmly. “Dylan wont get her. I wont let him".
   Mom looked at his parents who nodded. They all seemed to be in agreement. We left to go to our rooms, Draco followed me to mine.
“I meant what I said, I’ll keep you and our baby safe, I promise”. He kissed my head. I changed in to some pajamas and Draco came back to my room after changing, we slept in the same bed that night.
Dylan’s POV
I poured the potion over her old cloths, her cloths burned away revealing, a image of her with a belly.
“Excellent”. I muttered to myself. Pansy was sleeping in the corner. She came to my lair with me, she had fulfilled her purpose, but she offered herself to me and I didn’t say no. She was no where as good as Talia, but she sufficed. The dumb lot actually believed she would get something out of helping me. I could care less about getting her that blonde haired prick.
“I will have what is mine”. I growled. As I thought about Talia and what it felt like being with such a powerful witch, I felt the need for release again.
I walked over to Pansy and kicked her foot. “Wake up”.
She rubbed her eyes and looked at me. “What”?
I arched an eyebrow at her and she looked down. “Oh, need some help with that"? She said in that slutty tone she liked to use. She wrapped her lips around me and went to work, I closed my eyes, imagining Talia, because this Pansy girl just wasn’t cutting it.
Draco's POV
I woke up having a bad dream that Talia and the baby were taken from me, I’m not sure to where or why but they were. I woke up to her still in my arms, sound asleep. I laid back down and sighed.
I’m going to be a dad. I thought to myself as I smiled.
And the women I love is going to be the mother of my children. Wait children. I thought about the dream Talia told me about, the timing and age of our son in her dream made since to her being pregnant now. So yes. Children. I smiled to myself. I’ll marry her one day. I put my arm back over her and fell back to sleep.
   I woke up to hearing Talia puking in the bathroom. I sat up and sighed. I felt bad for her. Hopefully this would end soon. We spent the morning eating breakfast with our parents then headed back to Hogwarts. The next few weeks to graduation went by in a blur. I of course passed all my classes, regardless of my focus being on Talia. She had seen a muggle doctor, of course having to explain to the head master her absence. They said she was about twelve weeks when she saw them, so she would be about fifteen weeks now. Her tiny baby bump was adorable. She looked beautiful, even though, she said she thought she looked fat and bloated.
   I was waiting for her to come out of her room for our graduation ceremony. I felt like it was taking forever, which was odd normally she was fast about getting ready, she never really had to try to look amazing. Just as I was thinking about knocking on her door she came out.
She was wearing a black shape forming dress, that showed her baby bump and her hair was down and pinned back on one side. She looked amazing. Thought she was upset.
“What’s wrong"? I asked coming up and kissing her forehead.
“Nothing fits me right anymore". She sighed.
“Well your baby bump is taking up a little extra room”  I tried to joke. She just glared at me as she put her robes on over her dress.
   After graduation we both left for my parents house. We were staying there for a night then heading off to the Quidditch world cup. I had asked if she still felt up to it. She told me “I’m pregnant not handicapped”.
My mother was bombarding her with questions about the baby. It was sweet, I don’t think she minded.
“Can you feel him kick yet"? Mom asked assuming because of her dream it was a boy like we had.
“Yeah I think so, but its internal”. They went on back and forth talking about her pregnancy.
  Soon it was time for us to sleep so we could get up early and head to the World Cup in the morning.

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