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   I was just finishing up cleaning my room when my mother yelled for me to come down the stairs and talk to her for a minute.
   I sighed. She sounded a little upset, I wonder what I did this time. I walked down the hall looking at the photos hanging on the walls. The Manor seemed so big with out my brothers staying with us anymore. I missed Chris and Wyatt. I walked down stairs in to the kitchen and saw my mom staring down a big gray speckled owl. She started to grab the tray of cookies she was making out from in front of the bird as it screeched and tried to peck her. She flung her hands up and froze the owl mid strike.

“God what is this thing doing here!” she sighed and looked at the paper tied to its leg.

“Only one way to find out." I shrugged. I grabbed the paper off the owls leg and unrolled it. Mom took it out of my hands.
I watched as she read the paper and began to look bewildered.

“What is it mom?” I was worried it was about my brother. They both just started out as full time white lighters.
My mom handed me the letter, with her lips pushed together.

Dear miss Halliwel,

You have been here by accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Term begins September 1st. We expect an owl in regards of your attendance or not by
No later than July 31.

Feel free to owl our head master Albus Dumbledore with any questions you may have, as this is the first time an America witch has been sought out to attend our school.

Yours sincerely
Minvera Mcgonagall
Deputy Headmistress

   I  Stared at the letter not knowing what to say or think. What the heck was Hogwarts. I looked at my mom and she looked just as confused as I was.

“LEO! GET DOWN HERE NOW!” she yelled for my dad. If he came this time, it would be the first time in almost two years that I’ve seen him.
An orb of white lights appeared that soon revealed my father’s body, he was in his elder attire.

My mother took the letter from my hands and looked at him sternly. He looked at the letter and sighed.

“So Leo, start talking. What is this Hogwarts.” I could see she was trying to remain civil in front of me. When really there was no need, I’d seen her blow him up, literally with her powers, a handful of times.

“Hogwarts is a school located in the Highlands of Scotland but is a British school traditionally, the elders wanted me to see about getting Talia in, so she can develop a better understanding and connection with her own powers.” He seemed so cool headed as he said this.

“You don’t think you could of discussed this with me first?” Mother glared at him. Then sighed.

“If this school is as infamous as you say, it should be in the book of shadows. Right? Then how come I’ve never read about it.”  She crossed her arm and leaned against the counter.

“Because no Halliwel before Talia has had the Honor to be invited to attend.”
“Were the Charmed ones and we didn’t get to go, and now they want my daughter, why! It’s to suspicious. It could be a trap! I’m not letting my only daughter walk into a potentially dangerous situation”. She looked at me and sighed.

“Moms right. Why me. Why not her and my aunts. They were the ones destined for greatness. I’m just learning to control my powers. This is just… bad timing”. I thought out loud.

“How about I arrange a tour of the grounds with the Head Master and you guys can check it out for yourselves. Together”. Dad smiled.
I looked at mom and she nodded then it was agreed. With out another word. He left.

   Dinner was quite. Neither one wanting to bring up today’s events. I wish Wyatt was here. He always had a joke to lighten the mood. Chris always had a funny remark about Wyatt's joke being lame. I sighed.

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