Time in a Bottle

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Eira and I fly through an air vent that I broke open, I a raven, she a canary. We land on the top of my father's prison and I tap my beak on the top. Loki looks up and smiles.

"Hello, kids," he says to us. "It's good to see you, especially in this time."

"Hello, father!" we reply in sync, flying down to the ground and turning human. I put up an illusion that makes us invisible to the hidden cameras around here.

"What brings you here?" he asks, turning to face us.

"Do you know of people losing their powers?" Eira asks.

"How could I not?" he replies grimly. "And I'm not doing it, by the way. My powers disappeared a few hours ago." Eira and I exchange a sad look.

"We're sorry," I say. "Do you have any idea who did it?"

"Magneto's bratty daughter," he replied angrily. "She always likes to mess around."

"Wanda?" I ask. "She's awesome."

"She has mental issues," Loki replies. "Trust me."

"She's still cool," I argue. "Her powers surpass even yours." I smirk, knowing I was right. Loki scoffs.

"I could warp reality if I wanted to!" he replies, slamming his fist on the ground.

"Sure you could," I reply.

"Anyways," Eira buts in before Loki and I could have a full-out argument. "Thank you for the help, father. We will talk to Scarlet Witch."

"At least my daughter respects me," he says with a smile. "Until next time." We turn into our respective birds and take to the air vent, crawling out and taking off into the open air.

"Glad that's over with," I mumble.

"Why do you and father quarrel?" Eira asks, flitting a bit closer to me.

"We don't agree on everything," I reply.

"I understand," she says, "but do you have to fight about it?"

"Yes," I reply. "Fighting is what we do."

"Peace can make as much of an impact as war."

"Not in this world, sister." Eira falls silent, knowing I am right again. I mostly am.

We find Quicksilver first. He's pretty hard to catch, but I think he noticed us more than we noticed him. He was running, and we both felt the mighty gust of wind that he made, but didn't see him, which was to be expected. He stopped, though, and walked over when he saw us.

"'Sup, feathers?" he greets me, holding his hand up for a high five. I slap it and smile.

"Quite a lot," I reply. "But first, Eira, this is Pietro. Pietro, this is Eira, my younger sister."

"Hello," Eira says shyly, waving a little.

"I didn't know you had a sister," Pietro said.

"It's a long story," I reply. "Anyways, we came to find you because-"

"You think my kid sister is making mischief," Pietro finished for me. "Trust me, if it was her, I wouldn't be running so fast."

"Well, if it wasn't her, who was it?" Eira asks.

"I don't know," Pietro replies. "But I do know everyone under 22 isn't being affected. It's only adults."

"Wow," I say, thinking it over. "So that's why Human Torch and Reptil aren't affected."

"Yep. We're just behind 22. I'm 20, Johnny's 21, and I think Reptil's about my age."

"You got lucky," I reply. "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks," he replies with a smile. Suddenly Paralysis's voice echoes through my ears and head.

"Fury wants you back," she says. "Defenders assemble and all that junk."

"Got it," I think back to her and then turn into a blackbird.

"SHIELD wants me," I say to Eira and Pietro. "Eira, stay with Quicksilver. Both of you need to stay safe, okay?"

"Sure thing," Pietro replies with a nod. Eira nods a little and steps a bit closer to Quicksilver. I take off in a whirl of feathers, flying towards the helecarrier. I've got a job to do.

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