World Spins Round

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I lay on the sand, staring up at the sun. The last few days are a blur, staying up late just to sleep in and do it all again. We never did have that drinking contest, thankfully. We tossed all the alcohol to the seagulls for amusement. You'll never guess what we had for dinner that night. I don't remember much, except for the seagulls getting drunk and the time where Thunder and Firework made a super-amazing bonfire with their powers. It was so bright, I bet people in Australia and Japan could see it. That's what we cooked the seagulls on. The island is just big enough for the three of us, so we mostly played tag and trained hard and did a LOT of swimming. That's all we did for a whole day, was swim until we couldn't possibly anymore. It was amazing.
Thunderclap snaps me out of my reverie with a mighty clap of thunder. Gee, how ironic. I sit bolt upright, surprised, and Firework does the same next to me.
"What? What's up?" she asks, looking around.
"We got a bogey incoming," Thunder replies. He's standing, shooting lighting at a large, bat-like thing in the sky. Firework gets up, but doesn't shoot. She knows the damage she can do. I turn into my blackbird form and fly up to the creature. As I get closer, the form is easier to make out. It's the lizard kid. And he's got pterodactyl wings.
"Hey!" I yell, flying up to him. "Remember me?"
"No," he growls, hovering. "Who are you, really?" I turn into my normal form for a half second, smiling at him before I begin to fall and I have to turn back.
"Ring any bells?" I say, flying around his head.
"You're that kid who took my amulet," he says, shooting me glares. "I got it back, though. Otherwise I wouldn't be here."
"So it is your power source," I reply, stopping in front of him. "I thought so." We looked at each other for another few seconds.
"We should land. I have something to tell you," he says, gliding towards the island, arms morphing back into that of a human's. I follow him, not having much of a choice.
"Ohhhh, it's this guy," Thunder says. "Sorry about shocking you."
"I'm better now," he replies, looking over at Firework. "Why did you bring Tony Stark's daughter?"
"She wanted to come," I reply.
"Anyways, I'm supposed to give you guys a message," he said, going back to our original topic. "Fury says that you're needed back at base. All of you."
"Did he say why?" I ask, turning back to normal and crossing my arms.
"I assume you've figured out how we--the Wild Things--have all been stealing biomedical supplies and such. And I told you that there's someone who needs them. Fury said you might know them." He stopped for a second, looking me dead in the eye. "Her name is Eira." I gasp and tears instantly spring to my eyes. I fall to my knees and stare into the sand, trying to fix the broken part of me lost so many years ago to SHIELD.
"Kier?" Thunder whispered, sitting down beside me and setting his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I gather enough breath to talk, looking up at him with a year-stained face.
"Eira was..." I can hardly bear to say it. I hold my clenched hands to my heart, trying to keep the remaining pieces of it inside me. "...she was my sister."
Sorry if I made you cry :'( I almost cried myself writing it. But, believe it or not, everything goes uphill from here. Mostly. Well, I'm out of pre-written stuff, so the next chapter's gonna take a while. I hope I finish it soon, or I'm going to get strangled by the people who want to meet Kier's sister. (She's awesome, by the way.) And, in the next chapter, we get a different take on the attack on Loki's palace so many years ago.

This one comes from Reptil.

Happy summer!

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