"You little mischievous sheep, get back here!" I ran after him deep into the woods. A distant bleat in fright caused me to run even faster. If something happened to the lamb...

"Wooly?" I came to a stop as I reached the rim of a cove, my feet nearly slipping over the edge. I looked down into the cove, pebbles from my sudden stop falling down the wall with clicks. My lungs burned from lack of air and a stitch had formed in my side. My gasps of air accompanied my gasp of fear as I saw what I had never wanted to see.

Wooly, at the bottom of the cove lying still.

"Wooly!" I shouted and climbed down a wall of rocks to the ground. As soon as my feet touched the dirt, I turned and ran to the lamb. "Oh, Wooly, what have you gotten yourself into?" I dropped to my knees, laying down my stick and taking the little sheep into my arms. I instinctively raised him to my face and held my ear to his chest.

The soft thump of a small heartbeat filled my ears. I breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back on my feet. Although, something else filled my ears.

"We're leaving. Let's pack up." It was Hiccup's voice. "Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation, forever." I turned around to see Hiccup wandering around the cove, looking in all directions for something.

"Hiccup?" I asked, standing up with the lamb cradled in my arms.

He jumped, dropping a basket he had been carrying and looked at me the same way he had that night in the blacksmith's stall. "Marish? Wha- what are you doing here?"

I walked toward him. "My lamb ran away and fell into this cove. Somehow he survived the fall."

Hiccup walked to me and touched Wooly on the head gently. "That's a pretty big drop for such a little guy. I'm surprised he didn't break anything."

"I'm not quite sure he didn't, to be honest."

Am unexpected roar came from above and a dragon appeared out of nowhere, dropping to the ground behind Hiccup with a growl. Naturally, I screamed and ran. "Hiccup, run!" My feet moved without thinking, feeling the dragon gaining on me as I scrambled to climb the wall with Wooly in one arm.

"Toothless, no!" I heard Hiccup shout just as I was pinned to the ground and a dragon loomed over me.

Night Fury. The same kind of dragon that killed my father.

The dragon opened its mouth. I could hear the screech of his fireball forming and I screamed, shutting my eyes tightly. Whenever death came, I didn't want to see it. I braced myself for the blast of fire until a hand clamped over my mouth to stop my scream. My eyes flashed open and I looked wide-eyed at Hiccup and his hand, my eyes darting back and forth from his hand to him, then to the dragon and back again.

"Shhh," he calmed me, putting his other hand on the dragon's belly and pushing it away. "Back, Toothless." I scrambled backward on my butt to get away from the beast and hugged Wooly closer to my chest instinctively.

Hiccup stood beside the dragon, no fear in his eyes. My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I looked from Hiccup to the scaled beast and back again with wide eyes. "Marish, Toothless. Toothless, Marish."

"What," my voice cracked, filled with fear. "What is that?"

Hiccup looked gratefully at the monster. "It's a dragon, a Night Fury to be more specific."

Anger filled me suddenly and I stood. "For all I know, that is the beast that killed my father!" The dragon tilted his head to one side, bright green eyes looking innocently at me. I scoffed.

"Toothless wouldn't hurt anyone." He put a hand on the beast's neck.

"Besides that scene he just put on?" I accused.

The End of the Beginning (Hiccup x OC) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant