Entry 11 - More Than Meets the Eye

Start from the beginning

"Ow! What the hell?" He sat up quickly, pulling off his sunglasses, and glaring at me in anger.

"You asked for it. You insulted my name. Besides, it's just a noodle. It couldn't have hurt that badly."

"Oh yeah, wanna try it for yourself?" He grabbed the noodle, and that's when I kind of got scared. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

"No, I'll just take your word for it." I backed up a foot or two. "It must have hurt really bad."

"It did." He tossed the noodle a few feet away, but continued to glare at me. "What induced you to do that?" He rubbed his now bright red stomach, and I tried really hard not to laugh. I'm sorry, but it was funny.

"Because it just seemed like the right thing to do."

"Asshole." He muttered, and returned to his previous spot on the deck chair, but he kept his eye on me.

"Yeah, I guess that was a little mean." I agreed, and sat on the edge of my chair. "But you-"

"How have I not noticed that you have a tattoo?" He interrupted, and I turned my head to look at him.

"I don't know. Guess you just haven't been staring at my back."

"Yeah, but you never told me."

"Well you never asked."

"Fair point. What does it say anyways?" He leaned forward to read the tattoo on the back of my shoulder.

"Here's to who you'll be when you figure it all out." He read, and tilted his head to the side, trying to figure it out.

"It's from a song. I'm sure you've never heard it."

"It's pretty deep. How did you decide to get it?"

"That's actually a funny story." I leaned back j my chair. "So my friend Jay, you met him at the wedding, was practicing to be a tattoo artist, and he needed someone to practice on. My other friend chickened out, so I figured I might as well.

He asked where I wanted it, and I had no idea, so I just told him to do it where he needed the most practice. I happened to have just listened to this song, so I told him the line and he did it. I think it turned out pretty good, considering that it was one of his first on someone besides himself."

"I think I did meet him. He's was the guy covered in tattoos, right?"

"Yep, that's Jay."

"Don't get mad, but he doesn't really look gay." He looked so nervous that I had to laugh.

"It's alright! Even I catch myself saying stereotypical things sometimes. Yeah, looks super tough, but he's one of the kindest guys I think you'll ever meet. The motorcycle makes him look tough too, that's why Cameron and I always made sure we took him anywhere we went after dark."

"I see. I still find it funny that I didn't notice that before. We've been here for almost a week."

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I teased.

"Yeah, but there's a lot I do know."

"Like what?"

"Like that you snore in your sleep."

"I do not-"

"Or that you don't brush your teeth at night."


"And that you do have pink sweats despite what I thought before."

"Well that one I agree with. Seems like you've been studying me, Thomas."

"No, I haven't!" He looked suddenly very uncomfortable. "It's just that I can't help but notice when you wake me up by snoring."

"Oh come on. I don't snore that loud!"

"Yes, yes you do. It's thunderous." I regarded him, trying to figure out if he was lying to me or not.

"It's that bad?" He nodded.

"Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get a full nights sleep again."

"If I snore so loudly, why has no one ever told me that before?"

"Probably because they were too afraid that they'd hurt your feelings." He shrugged.

"And your not?"

"Not really. I mean, you just whacked me with a noodle, so I'd be alright if I got some back."

"That's only fair I suppose."

"Yes it is." He sat up. "Hey, Do you know how to play tennis?"

"Of course! You just whack the ball with the ratchet right?"

"Umm, that's the basic idea, I guess. There's a court right over there. Wanna play?" I think I just discovered something that Thomas loved. He looked like an excitable puppy.

"Sure, lets do that."

"Okay, c'mon!" He grabbed my hand, and started walking towards the court.

"But what about our stuff?" He glanced back at him, but kept walking.

"Alex, this is a pretty upscale place. Not ones gonna take it."

I let him pull me along, rather enjoying having my hand in his. When we were almost there, he seemed to realize what he had done, and quickly dropped his hand. Ah well, at least it was progress.

To say that he beat my ass would be an understatement. And like I have said before, this man was majorly competitive.

After losing about a million times, I decided I had had enough, and headed back to our seat, Thomas followed a few minutes behind.

And guess what? When I got back to our seats, where all the rest of our clothes and stuff was, everything was gone.

It felt so good to be right that I didn't even mind losing my sunglasses.

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