After about an our and a half I'm done working out so I head to Starbucks and get drinks for me, Ethan and Grayson since their parents are off at work and Cameron's at her friends house. I order Gray a venti mocha with coconut milk and Ethan and I a venti green tea with almond milk.

I'm now walking to their house when someone pushes them out of my hands saying "You don't want that!" I look up and see my worst nightmare standing right in front of me. Demi.

"What the fuck, Demi?! What's your problem?!" I yell at her, catching the attention of some people around me, including fans of E and Gray.

"What on Earth do you mean? Didn't you miss me?" She said sweetly, blowing a bubble with her gum and twisting her fingers in her hair. Back in Malibu she bullied me and I wouldn't always stand up to her because every time she'd come for me she'd with with her gang of scruffs and I'd always have like one friend with me or even nobody at all. But this time, I'm in a new city with better friends and now I have kids to protect and I'm not putting up with any of this bitch's bullshit.

"No. Demi I didn't miss you at all. What do you want?" I ask, clearly pissed off now.

"How was the conversation with Ethan about that pic of him kissing me?" She asked smirking. My eyes widened.

"How did you know about that? Ethan and I never told anybody about that photo."

"Oh my God, how clueless can you be? I sent you the fucking photo. "

"What the fu-" I was cut off by the quick movement of her hand slamming onto my face. This bitch slapped me in my fucking face! I can hear the whispers of fans all around us shocked about what they're seeing, I look around us and see people recording us with their phones.

"But I really don't see how that's your biggest problem right now, I mean you're a recent teen Mom right? Knocked up on your fifteenth birthday to Ethan Dolan the YouTuber!" She yelled that last part to catch more people's attention; which it did. People were now whispering like crazy.

"Yeah I am fifteen year old Mom and you know what Demi? Those boys and my relationship with Ethan are the best things that have ever happened to me so if what you're trying to do here is embarrass me then it's not fucking working so drag your bitchy, whore ass back to Malibu and stay the hell away from me and my family, especially my twins, don't you dare bring my babies into this pathetic grudge you have against me that you just can't let go of!" Her hand went for my face again but I grabbed her wrist, twisted it and with my other hand grabbed her hair, and dragged her face down as I smashed my knee into it multiple times before throwing her to the ground.

I knew she was gonna get up and keep fighting me so I dropped my backpack from my back and then she got up and ran at me. She pushed me to the ground and started punching down at my face but I somehow flipped us over so that I was straddling her and my hands beat down at her face. She managed to push me off of her and I landed on my back and she ran at me again; I kicked her back with both of my legs and she flew back and hit her head on a street light/lampost. She was still standing but she struggled on her feet a little. She ran at me again but this time I just booted her in the face and she fell to the floor; I then got on top of her and started punching down at her face again. She started to fight back properly but I was not letting her win, I wanted to teach her that when she gives me a fair fight, I won't be walked all over and treated like shit.

I was still punching down on her face when I feel someone pull me back and someone also pulled her back two. It was two strangers, telling us to stop before the police get here to stop the fight themselves. I calmed down and the stranger let me go, meanwhile Demi was still fighting the man holding her back but he was too strong for her. People we're making a fuss about a car that was driving though the crowd on the road. I couldn't see the car until it got closer to me. So many things were going through my mind at that moment as I looked around at the crowd by the car, then Demi fighting the strangers and then how she tried to use Elijah and Xavier to embarrass me. The car pulled up behind me and I turned around and saw that it was Scott and Grayson in the front seats.

"Get in!" Scott said, pissed. I grabbed my backpack and got into the back seat where I saw E and Gray's friend Alex (Aiono) and Scott's friend Shawn (Mendes) were sitting. We then drove off.

"What the fuck just happened? Ethan and I were playing with the twins and our phones started blowing up and a bunch of our fan's fan accounts were going live on Instagram, and posting photos and videos of you and this Demi girl arguing and fighting and tagging us in the comments. " Grayson said shocked.

"Just some girl from back in Malibu who hates me acting up." I responded.

"What did Demi want anyway? And why is she still going after you?" Scott asks.

"Demi doesn't need a reason to go at me and she's never stopped coming for me and you know that." I answer.

"Alright well I'm gonna drop you, Alex and Grayson off at the Dolan Household and you can explain everything to Mom and Dad later, okay?" Scott said, stopping at a red light and looking back at me, I nodded.

Fifteen Minutes Later

We finally arrived at the Dolan Household and when I entered the living room, Ethan rushed over from the twins and put his arms around my waist and hugged me.

"Oh my God, are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't I had to mind the twins."

"I'm fine and it's okay, the twins come first." I chuckled and kissed his cheek as he tightened his grip on my waist.

My parents called and I told them about everything that had happened and they were just glad I was okay.

I showed, changed and then explained the whole story from start to end about me and Demi back in Malibu and why she came at me here and everybody understood. Then Scott and Shawn showed up with Starbucks for everybody and we all enjoyed the rest of our night after Ethan and I put the twins to bed.


Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was even longer again but I hope you liked it. Sorry I keep being inactive with this story but I promise I have a lot planned for it and I'm not giving up on it so stay tuned for future updates. Thank you guys for the support, I love you! - Olivia <3

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