21 Boyfriend/Girlfriend Tag

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"What is up my supernova's? It's your girl back with another video. I know the video that I posted a few days ago was a bit of a downer but this one is gonna be better. Today I am here with my amazing boyfriend" I say. "Hey guys" he says as he holds me. I smile and blush like crazy. 

"So today we are doing a boyfriend and girlfriend tag. We have each compiled up 5 questions. We are going to go back and forth with the questions. I have with me today cupcakes. So this is gonna be an extreme boyfriend/girlfriend challenge. Who ever gets the answer wrong gets a cupcake to the face. If you get it right they get a kiss" I explain. 

Noble looks at me and I look at him. He leans in for a kiss and I dodge it just to be cute.

He tackles me with kisses. I laugh and pull out my phone. 

"Okay first question" I say. "When did I start my channel" I ask Noble. We both pull out our boards.I see him writing. "1, 2, 3" I say. We both turn our boards around. Both of our boards reveal the number 7. "Good job baby" I say. He leans in for a kiss which I return. 

"Next question" I say. Noble pulls out his phone. "How long have I been in the army" he asks. Oh I know this. I grab my board and write almost 9 months. "Ready my love" he asks. " Absolutely" I say. We turn our boards around to reveal almost 9 months. "Haha I know my boyfriend" I say throwing my hands in the air and laughing. He laughs as well as I point to my lips which are missing his. "I'm waiting for my kiss" I say. He rolls but kisses me nice and passionately. He pulls away and I smile. 

"Question 3, how many years have I been a cheerleader all together" I ask. He looks up for a second then begins writing. "You're not gonna get this because I haven't told you yet" I say. He laughs. "Keep dreaming sweetie" he says. We both turn our boards around. He had 3 years and I had 2. "Wait what no. Damn it" he says. I laugh and grab a cupcake of my desk. He closes his eyes tightly as I chuck the cupcake at his face.

"Question 4, how many kids do I want" he asks. I laugh and write on my board none. Noble doesn't want kids but if him and I had kids he wants at least 1. "3, 2, 1" he says. We both turn our boards around. "NONE" I say looking at his board. "Damn I thought for sure you weren't gonna get that" he says. "Damn baby you think very low of me" I say. "Yeah yeah" he says and kisses me.

"Question 5, how do I like my steak" I ask. He laughs hard and writes on his board. "If you guys don't know, I'm a mad steak lover" I say to the camera. We both turn the boards around. "Medium" he says. "DAMN IT" I yell and laugh. "I know you baby girl" he says, kissing my pout.

"Question 6, how many siblings do I have" he asks. This one I have to actually think because I remember him telling me he had siblings just don't remember how many. I write down 1 on the board because I remember him mentioning his older sister Danika. "And turn" he says. We both turn the boards around. "Wait 2" I ask. He laughs and nods. "Cupcake baby" he says. He grabs a cupcake off the desk and hits me in the face with it. I laugh and lick the icing. "This is so good"  I say. He dies laughing on the bed. I slap his arm.

"Next question. Question 7, how many pets have I had in my life"  I ask. "Oh come on baby I don't know this" he says. "Ha" I say. He writes on the board as do I. I've had 5. "Board turn now" I say. We turn our boards. "Omg you got that right" I says. "Who all are they though" he asks. "2 when I was little before my parents disappeared. 2 more when I moved in with Jersey who then passed away and now little Simba." He kisses me then we move on.

"Question 8, how did we meet" he asks. "Oh of course I know this" I say. He laughs. "If you guys don't know him and I met on social media after my break up" I explain. "Board turn" he says. I turn my board. "Instagram. So guys he followed me on Instagram after the break up. He commented then dm'ed me asking if I was okay. Now almost 2 months later here we are here and together" I say. He smiles and kisses me. Passionately.

"Question 9, how in love with me are you" I ask. Reason I ask this question is because I started thinking about all the lies Alex told me. "Baby" he says. I look at him and he kisses me softly. "You already know the answer to that question" he says. "Still" I ask. He writes on his board and turns it around. "Infinity and Beyond" he says. I smile at him.

"Last question, why do you love me" he asks. I smile. "Because you are the definition of happiness for me. You have made me so happy since everything that happened. I love you Noble Spire" I say. "I love you Nova Inesse" he says and kisses me passionately. We pull away and we look at the camera.

"This is the end of the video I hope you guys liked it. Make sure to like and subscribe to my page. I love y'all so much. Bye guys.


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