Chapter 2

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Naruto and Itachi took their kids out to the supermarket in the city proper. It was a supermarket with membership, as things are usually sold in a bundle at a lower price. As much as possible, they don't want to go out, so they stock up. It also makes it easier to look out for anyone familiar as there are fewer people around.

Ever since they had the kids, they have kept theirselves under the radar. Itachi swore to Naruto that he will keep them safe and just like always, where one goes, the pack follows.

"Mom, can we buy this?" Naruchi showed Naruto his favorite cereal.

"Yes, baby," Naruto pat his head. Naruchi smiled as he puts the cereals on the pushcart.

"Mom, can we bake some cookies?" Natsuki asked. "I want to bake some!"

"Should we, Papa?" Naruto turned to Itachi, who came with some of their necessities such as toilet paper, detergent, shampoo and other.

"What does our little princess want?" Itachi asked as he pat his daughter's head.

"I want to bake cookies, Papa!" Natsuki said. "I want Mama to teach me how to bake."

"And I won't miss it," Itachi smiled, earning a squeal as she ran to get what is needed.

"Do you know what to get?" Naruto yelled.

"Yap!" Natsuki yelled before she's out of sight.

"Now, what else do we need..." Naruto had the list beforehand. "That's pretty much it. We got to go to the wet market after."

Itachi stared at Naruto for awhile. He can't believe how Naruto was so hands on on everything. From the household chores, to their kids and even to him. He was the spoiled heir of the Uzumaki, who could get anything he wanted.

"What?" Naruto noticed him staring.

"Nothing," Itachi smiled. "You finally able to get the gist of it."

Naruto laughed.

During the first year of their elopement, Naruto hardly know anything about chores. Especially cooking. Itachi had taught him most of it and now, he could help with the chores as the other tries to make a living.

"If I don't, I'm sure we'll be starving," Naruto smiled and saw Natsuki. "You got everything?"

"Yes, mama!" Natsuki giggled excitedly.

"Let's go?" Itachi pushed the cart with Naruto looking around, if there's anything that will caught his eye that he needed to buy. "Should we eat out today?"

"Really?" Naruchi and Natsuki eyes glittered as if it was the greatest gift they received.

"Should we?" Naruto's voice didn't hide his worry.

They have always avoided being seen in public for the last ten years. They've been keeping a very low profile, to avoid bumping into anyone they know, even if they live on the countryside.

"Let's celebrate how the kids have been working so hard," Itachi smiled. "I heard someone got an A+ on Math and someone got an A+ on English."

The kids squealed as they pushed the cart in a hurry to the cashier. Itachi pulled Naruto to him and kissed his forehead as they walked.

"Let's give it to the kids," Itachi said. "It's been awhile since we had dinner outside. I want you to relax from the chores, too."

Naruto smiled and kissed the raven. Itachi has always that cute side side of him in sudden moments and in those sudden moments, he always remember what they've been through to protect their love.

"Mama, Papa, hurry!" Natsuki and Naruchi called as they are next in line.

It won't hurt to have a change of pace, won't it?


Itachi booked a private room in a very famous restaurant. The kids were so excited, but Naruto pinched Itachi's side as they are very underdressed, in which Itachi just laughed at.

They sat on the a corner, hidden away from the prying eyes of other customers. Just because they had a change of pace didn't mean they are going to let their guards down.

"What would you like?" Itachi asked the kids. It was a rare chance, so he likes to spoil the kids for a change.

"Spaghetti!" The kids squealed. "And ice cream!"

"Let's have that later," Itachi smiled. "How about you, babe?"

"Let's have some salad first," Naruto said as he flips a page on the menu. "Should we have some steak? Red wine?"

"I'm up for it," Itachi said. "Would you like some soup?"

"It's pretty hot outside so I'll pass," Naruto said and leaned in. "But, I would like some dessert."

"Really?" Itachi's eyes suddenly had that glint.

"Not in front of the kids, Itachi," Naruto rolled his eyes at him, at which Itachi just give him a peck on hia cheek and looked back at the menu.

"You ready to order?" The waiter appeared.

"Yes, ahh-" Itachi froze as he saw who their waiter is.

"Naruto-kun?" Naruto stiffened.

Naruto turned to see who recognized him, Sai. Sai was one of the elite alphas he purposely avoid back in High School.

Sai always such had calculative actions that made everything he did fake and robotic. The way he smiles, he interact, he stares and act— seemingly to have been predicted following a course of action. It didn't also help he had a such a pale skin and black eyes.

Everything he did always felt cold and he looked stiff.

Instictively, Naruto held Itachi's hand. The kids looked up to see who knew their mother, but he did not recognize them.

The kids at their young age could already understand how protective their parents are. They were strict, but they never isolated the kids from venturing out on their own. Curfew was a must and by 6 in the evening, the kids should be at home or else their mother would cry out of worry and their father would ask them questions on why they were late and tries to calm their mother.

The kids' couldn't bear the thought and sight of their crying mother and their father was coldly scary when this happens.

At the sight of the unknown man, Naruchi and Natsuki stood and circled around their mother, in an attempt to protect him.

The man was tall for them. Maybe at the same height as their mother. He was pale, with squint black eyes. He wore this waiter attire with a Ipad on hand. Then, he smiled over them that it made them shiver.


"I see..." Sai could only utter when he understood the situation. "Rest assured."

"You tell me," Itachi growled on the other alpha. "What is the heir of ANBU Publishing doing in a place like this and as far as this?"

"Oh, you know," Sai smiled, which made the kids stick closer to their mother. "I did some pretty reckless thing back home and I was demoted here for the time being. "

The Itachi could only look at each other. They both don't want to ruin this day for the kids and Sai was never the type to call and tell their families where they are.

"Or if you want I could call another waiter for you?"

"No need," Itachi hissed. "Go back to your seats, baby."

Without a word and with wariness, the kids reluctantly went back to their seats.

"Now, what's your order?" Sai smiled.

This will be a long night.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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