chapter 1: the end

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Cory's Pov
"It's a beautiful day today," I said to Bri as we walked. "It is a babe." Said Bri. I looked up to see birds flying away from something I saw cats, dogs, and even snakes running away. Then there was a big roaring sound. "What was that sound?" Said Bri. "I don't know Bri but we better run," I said while gaping Bri's hand. I looked to see an overgrown lizard-like creature. "HAHAHA HMMMM OH LOOK, STUPID HUMAN CHILDREN." Said the Lizard.

Bri stopped when she heard that she loves kids and she loves working with them. "Hey, you overgrown lizard over here." Said bri. "HAHA OH, THIS WILL BE FUN." Said the lizard. "BRI NOOO!" I yelled as the lizard killed her with his claw. He stabs her in her chest then he moves his claw to the side of Bri's head. "Noooo Bri you monster what you did,"  I said. "HMMM, THIS DAY GOT BETTER FOR ME." He said while I ran for. My heart was racing and my life my friends my family and everyone I knew won't see me again after I finally lose that overgrown lizard I jump into a trashcan.

"I can't believe it my life will end here." I thought. I slowly peek out to helicopters and jets I jumped out of the trashcan and ran to my house. I grab my clothes, good running shoes, and garda jacket since it was December I grab granola bars and water and some other food. I peek out the window at a bunch of people running and zombies they ate people alive?!! I quickly ran out this is it my life will never be the same after this.

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