DON'T mind it

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Waje: So.whats your big plan for those two.

Joshua: *whispering*

Waje: OOOOH!

Third: EY! whats up!

Joshua: You already know the plan for him and her right Third?

Third: OH! I forgot to tell him.

Joshua: NUUUU!

Third: Just kidding. >w<

Waje: so minding we will do our plans today or wait at your warning?

Joshua: Wait for my warning.

Waje: so I expect thats a lot of plans. -_-

Joshua: Yes. it's until phase 15.

Waje: Welp. Im ready for those.

Joshua: It's kinda complicated. Right Third?

Third: *Talks to Vince* 

Vince: *insert evil smile*

Joshua: no.      He.    Nevermind! i'll have another plan instead.

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