I remember Iya acted wierd

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((Grade 4))

Vince & Iya: (taking for a walk and talking each other)

Vince: So... Do you remember Adrian, ya know, our classmate in grade 1.

Iya: OH HIM!!! I STILL REMEMBER HIM!! He rage like hungry WILD ANIMAL!!

Vince: (Laughing) Yeh. and even- (notice Jayq and Ahmad recording us) 0__0!!

Iya: even wat? somethings wrong?

Vince: The two dorks recording us, I dunno why. -w-

(some minutes later)

Iya: Remember that we always talk to each other since prep?

Vince: Ye-Yeh? (Busy watching Jayq and Ahmad [Suspicous])

Iya: And your my crush? (Came out of her mouth accidentally)

Vince: Wai- WHAT!? "-.__-.

Iya: I mean Your my CLOSEST FRIEND!! 0___0

Vince: (Exhales) c'mon let's just sit down for a moment.

Iya: Ok, I'm so tired anyway.

((This is real, maybe she really didn't meant to say this to me because shes tired.))

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