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The second day of Dio's unexpected return; Aya decided to start cleaning up her clinic. Maria had gone downtown to buy some materials for Aya, something that could take about 3 days since they lived so far away. The loneliness was never a problem... well, had never been a problem.

Now, she wasn't quite alone anymore.

"What are you doing?" Dio asked calmly, his childish curiosity peeking back up again.

"I'm cleaning, this place is a mess."

The blonde looked around with a frown, "it doesn't look dirty though."

Aya smiled as she scrubbed on the wooden floor, "it may seem so, but it truly is dirty. A clinic has to stay clean at all costs; we wouldn't want one of our patients to gain an infection, now wouldn't we?"

"You're right... but then again... You don't exactly 'save' people."

He marked a point, a good one. But Aya wasn't going to reply to that. Germs were terrible microscopic pests, and the fresh bodies she had acquired needed to stay in a safe and clean environment. For plenty of reasons.

"Want me to help you?" He suddenly suggested while crouching next to her; his eye shining with life.

"No, you don't have to."

"I don't, but I want to."

She looked up in mock-thought for a second, before turning back to look ar him. "Well now let's see... No."

"Why so stubborn, Aya?" He asked.

"Right back at you."

"I'm being serious."

"I am as well." She sang joyfully. He did not share your enthusiasm. In fact, he stared at her for the longest time before asking calmly;

"Explain to me why I cannot help you?"

Aya resigned, "haa.. okay, fine." She cleared her throat before looking at him with a somewhat evasive look. "As you know, this is a clinic and... well, you're... how can I put this..."

Dio blinked.

"You're a walking corpse, Dio. Your body is prone to carry all sorts of--"

"Oh, I see." The blonde said slowly, "It's understandable, yes. I'm probaby filled with bacteria, germs and whatnot, you're right to be reluctant."

He turned around to regain his spot on a chair, albeit with difficulty. Aya could tell that she had hurt him, despite not wanting to.

She gnawed on her inner jaw, thinking through. And then; an idea came popped into her mind.

"Say, Dio." She whispered, "I don't exactly know much about your body, or if your immortality comes with certain rules... But would you..."

"Yes, Aya?"

"Would you want me to give you a new body?"

Dearest Aya (Mad Father)Where stories live. Discover now