Chapter 5

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"Where did you guys go for lunch?" Cecilia questioned.

We were at mine and Ash's room–Ash and Cecilia discussing the case, and me reading that novel I finally had the chance to get a start on, but not so conspicuously eavesdropping.

I was laying back on the either of the beds that I randomly chose. Cecilia was sitting at the edge of my bed, and Ash was sitting on the other bed available–his bed.

"There was this cafe somewhere by the side of the streets," Ash said. "The food was good. And the milkshakes, especially. You haven't eaten?"

"I have, but I'm in need of some coffee or something... If you couldn't tell, I'm starting to get stressed out." Cecilia ran her fingers through her silky, reddish hair as a motion of distress. "I wasn't expecting the case to be this big, you know?"

"Mm-hmm," was Ash's response. He was just laying back on the stiff pillows they had provided, deep in his own cloud of thoughts.

"Well, I guess I'm off to that cafe now. A milkshake or a few milkshakes would do me some good." Cecilia announced, standing up.

I looked up from page two of my novel (considering I hadn't done much reading), just as Cecilia turned to look at me too.

"You want to come with, Hyacinth?" She asked.

I was about to answer with a "yes" because I could use a cup of coffee, but Ash cut me off. "Hyacinth needs to rest." He relaxedly spoke. "We've just came back from a long drive this morning, and she hadn't gotten much sleep since she did in the car."

"Oh, but I'm not tired—"

"No," Ash's voice turned stern in a matter of seconds, which–as much as I hated myself for over thinking–somehow frightened me a little.

I have seen multiple times how Ash got when his short temper took over. He'd go as far as to hurt the person he claimed to love the most, and that was my mother. I had never told my mom, Ash, or anyone that I had seen my stepfather physically lay a hand on my mom and spit out dirty, angry words at her as she cried.

The first two times it happened, I could literally feel someone (most likely Ash) ripping my heart out of my chest and crushing it, until blood poured out and my one piece of heart turned into a billion tiny ones. And then I asked my mom if Ash had issues.

She was surprised and worried, but she told me that he had a rough childhood, and had minor anger issues. But she didn't bother asking me why I was asking. Maybe she was actually clueless, or playing dumb.

I told myself from then on that Ash did love my mom. But a cavernous, gaping hole in me still had a hated for Ash. It wasn't for the reason I first didn't like him, but for an even worse one.

I don't like saying, even to myself, that Ash would hurt me or has ever hurt my mom. Because I would do anything it takes to not remember Ash as a bad person.

"You don't want to come either, Ash?" Cecilia said.

"Nope," Ash said, popping the p.

"Okay, well then I'll head out now. You guys rest well." Cecilia flashed me a smile, grabbed her purse, and walked out the door.

I proceeded to read my novel, when Ash sparked a conversation. "What did you think of the Jacobs?"

"They're odd. Especially Mrs. Jacobs and Missy. Mr. Jacobs seemed more scary than weird."

"Hmm..." Ash droned in a sleepy voice. His eyes fluttered shut, and the room was eerily silent for an entire moment. I looked at my book again, and began to read.

Suddenly, Ash whom I thought was fast asleep, spoke up again. "Do you think of me as your dad?"

The question caught me off guard. We never spoke about things like these–I mostly just didn't want to, and it was mutual for Ash.

I chuckled softly. "You're a bit too young to be my dad." I truthfully answered. "I mean, I know some people who had their kids at seventeen, but it's not like I'm your real kid. So, I don't know, exactly. 'Cause it's not like we act like we're actually father and daughter—"

Ash was suddenly in front of me, sitting on the bed. "You've always been such a mystery to me, Hyacinth."

"Really?" I scoffed slightly. "Mom must've told you some things about me. Whereas I seriously don't know a single thing about you."

"Ironic, because I've always thought that your mom told you things about me."

"She spent more time with you than she did with me." I irked a corner of my lips, pulling a smirk, to cover up the tears glossing my eyes already. Neither Ash and I were good at talking about her.

"Marissa didn't like talking to me about you. She told me the reason once when she was drunk." Ash laughed awkwardly, before continuing, "She said that she was scared if I was... going to go for you instead, and leave her."

My mouth parted slightly, to let Ash know that I was nothing but confused.

"Before your mom, I was dating my friend's daughter. She was ten years younger, and we weren't really dating. Just... doing stuff."

I shifted uncomfortably and looked down at my lap. I had seemed to unconsciously close the book, so I tapped at the cover with my nails.

"Your mom told me that she'd seen me look at you in a way a father–or stepfather–wasn't supposed to look at his daughter. Basically, in a way that only someone would look at another person only if they liked them..." Ash laughed again. "Shit, I don't know how to explain this to you."

"We don't have to talk about this then," I murmured so silently, that I myself couldn't hear it very clearly.

"I know, but I just feel guilty. For not letting you know all this time." He traced his fingers on my lower leg. It wasn't the first time he did that–Ash always traces his fingers on my leg when we talk about something serious. So I didn't try pull away, despite what he had just been saying.

Ash isn't a bad person.

"All this time? But that was a long time ago, right?" I said.

"Well–" A knock on the door interrupted.

Ash muttered something under his breath, probably cursing, and walked to open the door. Cecilia was the one who was on the other side of it. She then stormed inside, looking a thousand times more frantic than she had before.

"We need to leave now," She said loudly.

"What the hell happened?" Ash calmly closed the door and motioned for Cecilia to sit down.

My heart beat rapidly in my chest, even worse than when Ash and I were talking, as I awaited her answer. Something horrible had happened, for sure.

"Can I have some water?" Cecilia asked breathlessly.

Ash rolled his eyes. "This isn't the time for water, okay? You're freaking us out. What happened?"

"I was on the phone with Jonathan from back at the firm. I was reporting on the case. And then, there was a scream. From an employee back in the restrooms." She explained. "They found a body. In the cafe's freaking restrooms."

"Jesus Christ." Ash frustratedly ran a hand through his hair. "They know who it was?"

"Yes," Cecilia's voice cracked a bit. "It was Mr. Jacobs' daughter. Missy, her name was."


sksksks that was sort of last minute planning. hope you liked the chapter! please vote and comment! thank you :)

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