Well, I mean it has been for a while now, ever since Erai decided to pop up in my bathtub, but he has reached an all new low.

All day now he has been ordering me around. 'Seren, take table 3's order already!' 'Seren clean up table 11!' 'Seren!' 'Seren!' 'Seren!'

Have you ever felt this feeling, you know the one when you knew you were officially screwed, and you were so frustrated you wanted to break down, drop to the floor and laugh like a mad woman because you have no other way of letting it out? Yeah, that was me right now.

My hair was a mess, and my work clothes had stains all over it, and my apron-

Well, let's not go that far.

I was in the back of the kitchen, washing dishes. The usual time the customers stopped coming in was around 4:45-ish, so we had around 15 minutes to clean tables, count the total cash in the register, sort out the tip jar, wash dishes in the back, mop the floors, or like Ryan and Kylie were doing like always, on 'break'.

And of course all the work was left to me.

I scrubbed the dishes squeaky clean, all the while imagining what kind of hell would be fitting for Erai when I came home. Although... The thought that was in my mind mentally and almost physically killed me. Erai still had his free will.

Even though I was his 'Master', I apparently had no power over him whatsoever. There was no wrath that I could pour down upon him. Damn it.

"Seren?" I heard a familiar voice pop into the kitchen. "What are you still doing washing dishes?" It was Kylie, who had apparently just gotten off her 'break'.

"Oh, just wanted to be a star pupil." I grumbled, stacking yet another sparkling dish on top of another. I was getting to be too good at washing dishes now.

"Wow... You look like crap." She said with raised eyebrows. "Have you been getting enough sleep?"

My mind went back and forth between nights, and every single time Erai was always popping up into my bedroom, complaining the bed was too big for one person, and that he was lonely.

"No... Let's just say a stray feral cat has been yowling outside my window all night." I said with a dull smile on my face. Kylie just looked at me funny, and nodded her head.

"Oh!" She said suddenly, coming to stand next to me. "Is that a new necklace?" She traced the golden chains down to the silver coin. "Wow... It's so beautiful, it looks sort of foreign... Did Jake buy this for you?" She giggled as she observed the necklace.

So many depressed thoughts swirled in my mind. Oh, the irony.

A necklace that I bought for my ex-boyfriend turned out to be a prison camp containing a perverted twisted Djinni that won't let go of my ankle, zapping this necklace onto me so he can track my every step. Now how do I go about telling Kylie that? "Yeah, sure..." I said dully, sulking on the inside. Sure he bought it for me. While I was the one who paid $1500...

"Oh! I almost forgot! Never mind doing the dishes! Hurry, come look!" Kylie paid no mind to there still being a soapy dish in my hand, and dragged me out and away from the kitchen, and into the lounge.

A bunch of girls were surrounding something by the coffee tables and giggling. They were literally forming a circle, and were obviously fawning over the person or thing in the middle. "....Uuuhhhh... What's going on?" I asked confused. "Why are there a bunch of girls here? And what are they doing screaming like fan girls?"

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