Zayanne <3

401 12 3
  • Dedicated to Cy Taccad

Next morning

~Cyanne P.O.V.~

"why zayn ?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?! "*i shouted*  "What's the problem Cyanne?" My mom shouted 

"It's nothing mom" I shouted back  ... Why didn't he just tell me that he likes chloe more than me ... he shouldn't have just told me he loved me the first time ... i feel so Stupid ... 

"Breakfast!!" My mom shouted 

"I'll be right down .." I shouted 

I rushed down and saw Zayn in our kitchen counter then i slowed down a little bit ....

"Cyanne let me Ex-" Zayn said but i cut him off 

"You don't need to explain chloe already told me everything " I said and i run up again to my bedroom 

Zayn runs up and follow me then he knocks on my door "Cyanne open up !! " Zayn shouted 

~Zayns P.O.V.~ 

I followed her to her room but she already locked it I knocked "Cyanne open up !!" I shouted 

"No Zayn No , you understand me i will never open the door to my heart ever again for you " Cyanne shouted ... I know that she is definitely tearing up because of me but i really don't know what happened .. i didn't know what Chloe told her that broke our relationship that easily 

"Just let me explain .. i'll wait until you open this door "i said 

"Ok ... EXPLAIN!" Cyanne shouted

*I explained what happened to me and chloe*

"But why would Chloe lie to me like that ? She is my bestfriend ..." Cyanne said and i can hear her wiping her tears

"will you let me back to your heart again ?" i said

"It won't be that easy Zayn "  Cyanne Said 

"What do you mean ? it won't be easy .." I said

"It won't be easy to let you back again in my heart .... let's take it slow first ... not like the other time ... it was too fast ... "Cyanne said

"Ok .... let's Start all over again ....Hi i'm Zayn Malik of 1D ... will you please open this door for me and let's be friends " I said

"Hello My good sir my name is Cyanne  Lekima .... Iwould love to open the door and be friends with you my good sir " She said I didn't know her surname .... but atleast now i know .... then she opened the door i didn't know ... but i was leaning so i fell down to her feet ... made me kiss her house slippers ... and it was a bunny ... it was fluffy ... i like it ... ok stop !! *stands up*

"I'm sorry about that ... "I said

~Cyanne's P.O.V~

What is he doing ?? is he sleeping at my slippers ?? i know it's fluffy but it ain't a pillow 

"I'm sorry about that ..." he said

"It's Alright i did that before too when i first held it ..." I said .... Actually I didn't do that ... i just don't wanna let him feel humiliated ..

"Well i don't feel humiliated now .... but still don't tell anyone OK?" Zayn Said .... i laughed inside when he said OK ... he made a puppy face so i laughed inside 

"Yes .... i will not tell anyone ..... " I said ... 

Phone rings "Hello ??" I answered 

"Hey this is Isabella ... wanna hangout ? just us girls .... just to talk about what happened about you and zayn ..." Isabella said 

"Nahh ... me and Zayn are already good ... we talked and i understand what really happened "  I said *smile to Zayn*  *Ends call* 

"Wanna date ?" Zayn asked me

"Just a friendly date .... and if you you really want to be back at my heart .... no disguises " I said

"Anything for you ...." Zayn said

Zayn acts a kiss ... but I went to the side 

~Zayn's P.O.V.~ 

I leaned closer to cyanne to give her a kiss then she went to the side ..... I fell to the ground .... i feel so humiliated ...

"I'll go change now ..." Cyanne said 

"Be in your best dress !! " i shouted ... she was already in her room ...

"OK!!!" She shouted 

~Cyanne's P.O.V.~ 

wait what do you mean best dress ?? are we going to some formal resto ??

"Wait What ? are we going formal ??" I shouted 

"Uhh Yeah .." He shouted back 

I opened my closet and there were so many clothes to pick .. i don't know what to wear ... but I guess i should wear my never worn dress ..... it was pretty but i don't know why i don't like to wear it .... maybe i don't know where i want to wear it  and i never went to some formal get aways like this .... 

I wore a black on top , pink ribbon on the middle , full white on the bottom dress ..... i LIKED it so much ... and a cute pair of black and white Shoes ..  to match my outfit I just had a simple black and white earring but not dangling earring just normal ones ... then i matched it with a pink heart necklace .... and a cute black chanel hand bag ofcourse .. it's not big ... 

I went down to Zayn ... i just saw him there staring at me not even a blink and i snapped my finger when i came closer to him ... 

*snaps finger* "Hello??" I said 

*shakes head* "You're beautiful Cyanne " Zayn said i blushed 

"thank you " I said *kisses on cheek* 

*touches cheek* " what was that for ?" Zayn said 

"you said i'm beautiful" I said 

We went to the restaurant Zayn said ... nothing happened .. we just ate ... we talked ... laughed ... it's nothing that important to tell just think of two people laughing while eating and talking while eating that's what happened ..... we talked about the other boys and girls 

We arrrived at my house 

"Thank you for the Date malik " I said 

"You are very welcome " He said *smiles*

*kisses on cheek * "I had fun talking about our other friends .." I said 

"Good night , love" I said *waves*

"Goodnight" He said *gets in car and drives off*

*goes inside house and straight to the room * i never knew that me and Zayn could work out again ... 


(A/N) Pls. pls. pls. pls. Vote :D 5 votes for next chapter :D thank you guys *mwahhugskisses*

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