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(A/N) Hi there reader :DDD I'm glad i had come this far ... I've been not so active ... and i guess... you got a little mad? ... SO I'm SO SO sorry .... 'cause there was no computer to use ... ok .. let's just Go Back to the story ..

This Morning

~Ziella's P.O.V.~

I was talking to myself because of happines ... I'm circling around the rooms in our house didn't even thinking of might fall down the stairs ...

:While Circling around rooms:

"What should i do? What should I say? What should i give him for our anniversary? OhMyCarrots I'm so Frustrated .. But I'm still happy Because he's Here ..." (Isn't it weird that i'm talking to myself?)

Someone knocks on door .. I fastly hid under the bed "Oh wait .. i should Get the door " I ran down

Opens Door .. Somebody hugs me .. i didn't even see his/her face .. but to be polite i hugged back "Uhh Hi?"

Then he/she gets his/her face infront of me and look who it is "Hi .. Louis?!?!?" I was surprised .. cause .. i didn't know ..

"What a Beautiful day to meet a good friend of mine" He told me and sits down at the sofa and someone hugs me again ..

Okay weird huggers.. that hugs me suddenly.. "Uhh Hi?!?"

It's a He .. "Niall ... hi .. "

(A/N) Oh hey there .. Sorry if it's toooooo short .. :DDD Please vote and share and i will imediately update ..  



I closed my eyes then 2 hugged me together .... It lasted for .... Uhhh 4 or 5 minutes ... Im guessing its Liam and Zayn ... "Liam and Zayn nice meeting you two here .. " i guess the boys did miss me

"where is harry?" where is he i .. Thought he was the. First one to greet me but .. No ...

I closed the door but a foot stopping the door from closing .. I opened the door Flowers were covering my face i set aside the flowers then I saw a curly boy smiling on the ground then slowly puts his head up still smiling with his eyes looking at me

I hugged him because of happiness he hugged me back "I am so happy to see ayou again " he told me but i still hugged him so tight without even caring if we fall down

I stopped hugging him "how was your day ... And when did the boys came?"

"this morning .. They arrived 4:00 in the morning no one even knows we are here .. And Happy anniversary!!!" He carried me up like i was just a baby .. I guess he is strong ..  

"Happy Anniversary !!!!" I shouted while i was being carried by harry .. And i dont know when he will let me go ...

"I guess you can let .. Me go now ... Harry .." i was fake smiling because i was kinda scared if he let me go he might let me fall down but i trust him

Lets me go down " here ..." he smiled at me and i know he is not faking it because even his smiles are smiling at me

"ohh harry and ziella me and the boys needs to visit the girls and nice meeting you again Ziella" they just put their mustache and hats on and went outside ... Just like lightning we were alone

(A/N) gonna update tomorrow and please share my stories to your friends ... I really want my story to grow bigger ... I want the other readers to read my story .. MwahHugsKisses to you Brosies 


(A/N) Hi there :DD atlast I'm Updating ! .. Even I'm Happy that I'm Updating ... :DDDD Lol ... xDD Please Continue Readin'

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