Chapter 1

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" 5 months before the bullying "

Faiths pov

" Nashty come on the movie is going to start " I said while I was in my bed.

" I'm here " Nash said while he entered my room.

Nash and I where watching insidious chapter 2, Nash was screaming like a girl it was funny

When the movie was over I felt asleep and Nash when with the boys in my gaming room
They always come to my house because I was friends with all of them since i was 2 years old.

"Present time "

BEEP BEEP BEEP my phone was ringing It was 7:00 I had to get ready hell aka school starts at 8:15 and ends at

1:30 I took out my clothes what I was going to wear and head to my bathroom I locked the door turn the shower on when I finished it was 7:10 I put on my clothes

[Faiths clothes]

Pink shirts that said "idgad"

Jake miller sweater

Ripped shorts

Black vans

When I finished dressing I grabbed my phone and backpack. I walked downstairs to and grabbed cereal
When I was done eating it was 7:20 so I walked outside to my school it was 10 min away from my house
So I walked but them I heard someone yell "hey it's the slut,walk faster if u don't want me to beat u more"
Aaron said. "What did I do to u guys" I said. When I said that Aaron got off his brothers car and told me "faith,can I tell u something" Aaron said what is it it" i said ,"I love u faith Sierra miller " Aaron said to me  "Aaron is it one of ur jokes" I said "no, can I kiss u" Aaron said when he said if he can "kiss me " I started walking faster

Bullied by magcon and o2l (book 1 of the series)Where stories live. Discover now