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(A/N: just saying, if there ever was an 18+ scene I would warn you beforehand [and you would have an option of skipping it]. But there's not in this chapter)

"W-what are you doing?!" I gasped.

He slipped his hand under my shirt, slowly lifting my shirt up. His face closed in on me, and he leaned in for a...kiss?!


I pushed him away, but then he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him again.

"You know, (Y/n)..." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers downs my spine.

"When we were dating, you were always so feisty and annoying, and you still are"

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

Why did he have to insult me like that, and where was he going with this?

"Yet...I couldn't help but feel an attraction to you. The one thing I regret about breaking up...was that I never got to [censored] you"

"Whoa! Stop right there! I didn't want to hear that!"

"Even though we're always fighting, I know you miss me too. That's why you followed me, right?"

"No, that's not why at all!"

"Come on, (Y/n)~ Let's do it, I know you want to"

"You crazy mofo, don't touch me!" I slapped him across the face, and escaped from his grasp.

"(Y/n), you...always manage to surprise me. I was planning on being gentle with you but...it seems that's not happening!" His face contorted into one of anger.

With all of the athletic skills I had, I dashed out of there without looking back. From far away, I could hear him yelling profanities behind my back.

I'm probably the first person that ever slapped him that hard, or slapped him at all. The sudden memory of Riku's warning came into my head, and now I knew what he had meant. How come I never realized Shoda was this bad until now?

Stopping to catch my breath once I deemed Shoda was nowhere near, I looked around. It was even darker than before, and the street was deserted. Ugh, I wish Riku was here.

Huh? I glanced up, hearing the sound of someone walking nearby.

Could it be, Shoda? I though I had outrun him, was I wrong?

The steps I heard were slow, yet intimidating with the creepy ambience. It didn't seem like Shoda, but...what's this uneasy feeling I have?

And there finally, under the streetlight he stood, wearing a mask all too familiar.

It was...my mask? The same one that Shoda threw away? It couldn't be a coincidence...could it?

"Hey (Y/n), we finally get to see each other, just like I said! It's a shame it has to be under these circumstances though," He sighed. "I wanted a more romantic meeting"

"Who are you?! And why...!"

Why do you seem so familiar to me?

"Oh, if I told you my identity now, it wouldn't be fun at all. Won't it be more thrilling to know who sent the mysterious texts, the love notes, and the person standing before you, later?"

"T-that...was you?!"

Then that would mean the person who did all those other things, would be him too?

"Why do you look so frightened, (Y/n)? Don't be afraid, I can help you. You're in trouble now, right? As long as you ask, I'll do anything for you"

Through the eye gaps of the mask, I could see his red eyes.

Don't be afraid, are you kidding? Then why are your eyes so piercing?

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