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All-Boys Schools have their perks, you can get many boyfriends. However they have their downsides as well - you're stuck seeing your exes all year. And I was dealing with the latter.

"(Y/n), your ex wants to talk with you" Riku went up to me.

"Which one?" I asked.

Currently, we were at school and it was lunch break.

"He has long brown hair and green eyes. Something-to" Riku replied.

"Haruto" I groaned. "Tell him to piss off"

"Ok, but you owe me again" Riku went to deal with him.

A buzz went off in my pocket; a phone message. I cringed looking at it. In the beginning I thought it was a joke, or a mistake to the wrong number, but now I'm not sure. I began receiving text messages from an unknown number recently.

It started with:

I'll never let you go, I love you.

To which I replied to:

I don't know who you are, wrong number?

To my dismay, he texted:

Oh, but you do know me.

I decided to ignore it after that, but I still received text messages.

Doesn't getting rid of pests feel great? I'll do it soon.


Hey, when will you admit you love me?

And today:

I'll see you soon enough, just wait for me.

I decided to block him.

Who could it be? A prankster, or someone who has a grudge against me? Could it be, an ex boyfriend? Maybe...Haruto....?

Nah, Haruto's too stupid.

But maybe it's someone else, another ex. In that case, I have no clue who it could be, any one of them could do this. This is troubling, but I doubt anything will happen. They're just text messages, right?

Maybe I should take a break on relationships for a while.

We had gym after lunch (imma puke), and I went to the locker room to open my locker. Open my locker....

Gone. My gym clothes are gone!

"What's wrong?" Riku asked.

"I can't believe it but...I think someone stole my gym clothes..."

"Seriously? That sucks lol"

"You're not very helpful!" I lightly smacked his arm.

"Are you sure you didn't just forget to bring your gym clothes?"

"I'm sure, I'm not that much of an airhead"

"I don't know about that..."

"Stop dissing me and help me!"

"Alright, relax. You can just borrow my extra gym clothes"

"I don't want your crummy gym clothes. When was the last time you washed them?"

"Hm....I don't remember"

I shuddered at the unsanitary statement.

The gym teacher came by soon and asked us if something was wrong. I sighed quietly, realizing what a pain this would be. I explained my situation with Riku yawning beside me. How is he so carefree?

Luckily, the teacher was pretty laid back and I didn't have to participate in gym that day. Nice!

Later I was told that although there were cameras in school, there were no cameras in locker rooms and we couldn't catch the culprit. So basically, I had to deal with it.

"Hey, Riku. Why aren't you bothered by this? This is...too creepy for me"

"Isn't it just one of your ex boyfriends that wanted to prank you?" He looked questioningly at me.

"No...somehow...I think it's different. This doesn't seem like the usual prank..."

A fear of a bad omen was all I felt.

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