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"Huh? What do you mean, what happened?" I questioned.

"He's.....seriously dangerous. Bad news. Stay away from him at all costs if you know what's good for you"

What happened in that small amount of time while he was away? Riku wore a stiffened expression, as if he just saw a ghost or something worse. He's the bravest person I've ever met, if something scares him then it's really bad!

Riku wouldn't dare tell me anything more, so eventually I got sick of asking.

This whole ordeal was pissing me off, and the fact that I couldn't do anything just pissed me off more. Well, you know what? I won't take it!

After school ended, that's when the tailing started. It was a perfect chance, since it was 5:00 it was already dark, but that was normal at this time of the year. Finding Shoda, I carefully followed behind him. Though that's also when I realized my mistake. My plan of getting back at Shoda.....of avenging everyone....well, it was nonexistent. I had no plans.

Still, this really feels like stalking, it's pretty creepy. What would be even creepier would be someone stalking me, as I stalked Shoda. Haha, not gonna happen. Though with recent creepy incidents happening to me, it seemed a bit more likely to happen. Wait, I don't have time to think about this! I need to think of a plan!

Should I corner him into an alleyway and beat him up? Somehow that's cliche and bully-like. Should I trip him and push him down the hill? I feel like that's a bit too much. Should I steal his belongings and give them back the next day, with a nasty drink poured all over them? Oh, that's tempting. Very tempting. Maybe I'll go with that.

While waiting for a perfect moment to snatch his backpack, I put on my mask. Can't get me if he doesn't know it's me, right?

He walked into an alleyway, and that seemed like too much of a perfect chance. Maybe plan A could work too. I sneaked into the alleyway as well, but that's when Shoda grabbed me.


"I know you've been following me for a while now, did you think I wouldn't notice?"

Abort mission!

I tried to get away from his grasp and flee, but he was faster than me and pushed me to the wall. With him in front of me, there was no escape.

Ok, time to lie then.

"I don't know what you're talking about! Let go off me!"

"Really? Then what's with the mask? You're awfully suspicious......(Y/n)"


"There's no way I could mistake your voice"

"I don't know who this '(Y/n)' is!"

In one swift motion, he took off my mask.

"Why don't you stop lying now?"

Well this was a complete failure! What now?

"Just let me go!"

"Huff." He sighed. "If you won't talk, then I suppose I'll make you talk"

That deep look in his eyes made me shudder, and for a second I thought I saw a rare emotion in him. Is that...desire?

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