Chapter 12

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While his blood was cold at the thought, Anakin went to Moraband. Many things transpired once he got there. Again, Artoo was asked to stay behind, and this was one of the times that the little droid did the most complaining. While Artoo wasn't organic, at times, Anakin could almost swear he had Jedi sensibilities.

At first, when he arrived in the temple, he was greeted by an apparition of Darth Bane. His pulse quickened naturally, and he had to push down his fear.

The apparition snarled. "Why have you come before me, Skywalker?" the last name was practically spat out in annoyance. "Has the Jedi's precious little Chosen One faltered? Have you come to join me, child?"

It took a little more effort than he cared to admit, answering in a cool tone, "I have not come for that reason, and I have not faltered. I was sent for a different form of training."

Bane growled and snarled, "Do you know who I am, boy?"

"You are an apparition of Darth Bane... creator of the Rule of Two."

"There is darkness in your heart and mind... you should have been ours."

"But, I am not. And I will not be. You have no power over me. You are dead and will never live again."

With that, the spirit howled and was sucked back into his tomb.

He was transported to another part of the temple, and he saw Obi-Wan manacled. "Anakin, you've come at last- to rescue me..."

Anakin knew it wasn't really Obi-Wan... another apparition... a trap. For one thing, this whole place was just going to be riddled with traps because of where it was... and the nature of what he was doing here. Secondly, while the voice was right, Anakin knew Obi-Wan would never say that. Now, he might mean that, but he usually phrased things more as a joke or his more popular, "What took you so long?"

Anakin stepped closer. "You aren't really Obi-Wan. I know my old Master better than you- whoever, and whatever you are..."

The figure's eyes glowed yellow, and then red. He disappeared and in his place was Palpatine. "You should have been mine! That girl messed everything up by bringing your mother to Naboo... and meddling in affairs that didn't concern her!"

This one was easier to believe... but again, he didn't trust it.

"Perhaps... but that is the past. You lost. No one can go back and change it now. You are an apparition, nothing more. You have no power over me."

He heard Sidious' snarl as he disappeared. Anakin felt as if he'd been knocked into a deep sleep, only to awaken to the strange creature from his vision- the one he'd had before he was sent to Dagobah. The man in the hologram. "There's been an awakening. Have you felt it?"

But that was all he said. Anakin could feel his heart lurch, even at the briefest of encounters with this person. He saw the being lurking in the shadows, watching the fall of the Republic, the rise of the Empire, and the Emperor's death... the fall of his empire. The rise of the New Republic. A growing number of Imperial hold-outs gathering out in the Unknown Regions, collecting, and creating another superweapon out of a planet... This man or creature ruling behind the scenes... pulling strings, and turning a young man against his family...

One minute, the being praised his apprentice and then treated him with cruelty. "You're no Vader... you're just a child in a mask."

Once again, Anakin fell into sleep, and awakened to Obi-Wan calling his name, "We've discovered another Dark Side user... we must stop him. He's building an army to destroy the Republic... I fear he may be even more powerful than Sidious..."

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