Chapter 7

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One Week Later

The vote was unanimous. Bail Organa of Alderaan was elected Supreme Chancellor. An interesting thing to come out of Palpatine's death was that apparently his will was updated to include Anakin as an heir to some of his fortune. Of course, with Anakin being married to a Senator and former Queen, he was more than provided for... but, he donated a large sum to the Jedi Temple, he sent some to planets which had been torn apart by the war. Even after that, he still had more money than he could ever use, so he set up a fund for his children. He also surprised Padmè by fixing up the nursery for their children. It was still early, but he wanted to be prepared.

For now, Anakin and Padmè took the opportunity to stay on Naboo and recuperate from all the goings-on. When Anakin asked how long he could stay, Obi-Wan shrugged. "If we need you, we'll call you."

It seemed awfully strange to have that kind of freedom, but he was grateful for it. The only odd thing about his last night on Coruscant before heading to Naboo was that he had a dream, one that seemed to be an alternate version of events. A reality in which his mother stayed a slave on Tatooine, eventually got captured by Tusken Raiders, and later died in Anakin's arms when he was 20. In a rage, this version of himself killed the Tusken Raiders... Once he lost his mother, he feared losing anyone else he loved again... his brain couldn't take it. Eventually, he had nightmares that Padmè would die- made the mistake of trying to get the power to save her by tapping into the Dark Side, killing Jedi- even Younglings... joining with Palpatine... dueling Obi-Wan... losing... being left to die on molten sands down by a pool of lava- limbless and barely alive... eventually put into a horrible life-support suit that distorted his vision, hearing, and voice... He had to relearn how to fight... and walk on his new mechanical legs... pain a constant thing... but worst of all, after all that, Padmè died anyway... he was told he did it... the torment and the guilt were unbearable until he chose to focus on the Dark Side and channel his hatred and rage at himself and the Jedi into power to just get through- to make sure everything he did wasn't in vain. He needed it to mean something... He'd always thought his children died with his wife, but he learned his son survived, and later, found out his daughter lived... he decided to kill Palpatine to save his son... even though it killed him.

When Anakin awakened from that dream, he was shaking and Padmè looked concerned.

"It was a nightmare... about what could have happened..." He told her all about it, and she held him close. "It's just a dream, Anakin. You're safe... I'm safe... you destroyed the possibility of that ever happening by killing Palpatine... just as this alternate timeline Anakin saved his son by killing the Sith. You're not a monster, Ani. You're generous and kind... and you do what needs doing in the galaxy. You're loving and compassionate... strong in the Force, and you're the only man I could ever want. I have a feeling that if Alternate Reality Padmè died... she'd still believe you could be redeemed... and she'd be buried with the necklace you gave her..."

She wore it around her neck still- after all these years. He smiled. "I'm just glad that none of that ever happened..."

"So am I...Let's try to get some sleep so we can be ready for tomorrow."

"You're right. Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, dear."

Anakin stood on the balcony of the house Padmè had bought and fixed up for them to raise their family in. He loved everything about this house, and about Naboo. He knew he was lucky to be here and to have somewhere so idyllic to call 'home'.

Padmè joined him with a grin. "You look happy."

"I am. Everything is great. Being here always calms me."

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