Chapter One

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 It wasn't the action packed and suspenseful movie that worried Luke, but the girl two seats away from him. Her soft lavender hair cascaded down her back, and her face was so flawless, even in the lighting of the dark movie theater. His knee bounced up and down nervously as he stared at the huge screen, every so often, glancing over at her.

        What was wrong with him? He wasn't even on a date with her, let alone, talked to her. He only saw her around his private school, her curly hair always flying behind her as she pride fully walked through the halls. Or when she would ride to school on that large, shiny motorcycle, scaring everyone out of their wits (Luke would just stare open mouthed before his friend would pull him into the school, telling him that he better stop drooling or he'd lose his chance with her) and pull on her signature leather jacket, hiding her tattoos. Everything about her was so interesting. Even when she would say the answers aloud with that soft Australian accent and the way she would hold herself as she bent in unimaginable ways in the gym.

        His friend shook his arm, claiming his attention. Her dark skin was so flawless in the light, and her curly hair pinned up carefully (personally, he preferred it when it was out and wild just like how she is). "I think I can see your boner," She whispered. His face heated up, remembering the awkward phases he went through that resulted in many unfortunate results with her as the cause.

        "Shut up!" He muttered to her. "Nothing's happening!"

     She laughed, covering her mouth carefully-God, Americans were so obsessed with appearances in his mind-and her eyes crinkled at the edges. "Fine, but if you get troubles, don't ask me to relieve them."

        He rolled his eyes, but shifted in his chair uncomfortably. The movie was interesting, though he would never understand why so many girls would voluntarily go to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Of course, Luke was never good at understanding girls at all. Why the hell did they say they were fine if they aren't? And what is the big deal if he wanted to hang out with his friends instead of them?!

        He knew that he'd never understand them, so why was he so enamored with Hope, the green eyed, lavender haired gorgeous girl, or stayed friends with the dark skinned beauty that was just a tad bit over dramatic? Why would he subject himself to such torture?

        Because he was a wimp. That's why. Because he can't stand resisting the girls and their big eyes and oh God, boobs. He would have to tag along to all of their shopping trips and he would have to sit uncomfortably in the dressing rooms. Because he loves girls and would do anything just to please them (He lives with his two older brothers and the only girl who saw him naked was his Mom for Christ's sake! He knew nothing at how to make them happy!).

        The credits rolled up the screen, and Luke breathed a sigh of relief as Hope stood up to leave the theater. Estelle looked over at her strangely and opened her mouth. "You know they show extra clips of the next movie at the end, right?"

        So close to freedom, yet so far. 

        Hope raised an eyebrow, giving a little half smile. "What?"

        Luke knew he was going to regret this. He knew that one day he would be strapped on a time bomb and only he could answer the one question that would save humanity, mankind, bring peace to this Earth, and the memory of allowing Hope to sit next to him would come back to haunt him. And he would flinch and cringe and kill everyone. And who would be to blame?

        He of course, because he couldn't keep his ugly gob closed. But he knew that would be the least of his problems, because the talons sinking into his arms (from Estelle of course) were enough to make him overcome the fear and offer the seat next to him.

        Hope smiled and crashed down into the slightly itchy chair, propped those legs onto the seat ahead of her and waited along with the other two teenagers.

        "So, what did you think about the movie?" Estelle asked me, excited. I tried to ignore the goddess next to me and looked in her eyes.

        "Uh, well it was pretty confusing with Bucky and all-,"

        "I called it!" She smiled gleefully, poking my dimple. "I knew he was hot and I knew it wasn't natural!"

           Hope giggled, "It's not natural, it's almost...Supernatural."

        My friends eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Castiel?"

        "Destiel," Hope scoffed. "Best ship ever."

        Estelle sucked in a deep breath, resisting the urge to fight, like she always would every chance she got.

        I turned to Hope and tried to change he subject.

        "What was your favorite part?" I managed out somewhat normally. My mouth was dry and and I couldn't fight the urge to run out of the theater.

        I was a pussy.

      "Probably when Captain America was fighting," Hope shrugged, a small dimple surfacing on her chin near the right. "Any reason to see him flex."

        Estelle nodded. "Same. Do you remember that one scene where-,"

        "Look guys!" I said, distracting them from their hormonal trek to fangirl empire. "The extra scenes."

        I knew I should've paid attention, but I couldn't focus on anything else but how we were going to leave the theatre and still keep a conversation. I wanted to know her more, I wanted to soak in her mind and thoughts and words.

        Of course, I relied on me to do everything and to figure everything out, completely ignoring my best friend who would get me through anything.

        "How about we go get coffee?" Estelle offered, giving my bicep a reassuring squeeze. Hope sighed.

        "I would love to, but I have to get home to my little brother, promised him I'd read him a story." She gave an apologetic smile before standing up and walking out. Those long legs in those tiny shorts.

        "Can we still get coffee?" Estelle asked hopefully, tugging on my arm, trying to get me to look down at her.

        With Hope, I would have to give a mere glance and see those eyes and not have to crane my neck downwards to see Estelle.

        Hope was only a foot ahead of us, but I tried to carry on normally. "Of course, love."

        "Do you want me to pay this time?"

        "When have I ever made you do that?" I smiled down at her.

        She leaned up and pressed a kiss on my cheek.

        "Thank you."

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