Chapter 5

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Warning: Language, Sexual Harrasement, please don't read if this makes you uncomfortable!  

(Y/N) takes a step back nervously trying to get away from the man in front of her, but to her dismay there was nowhere else to go because she was against a shelf. The man was now dangerously close to her, and his intentions would be quite clear to anyone watching. The young female was about to scream out for help once she finally recovers from the shock, but his hand covers her mouth before she could scream. With his other hand, he grabs a clean rag to gag her in order to keep her quiet. By now tears were streaming down her cheeks because of the fact that she did not know the outcome of this event. He ties back her hands using a rope, making sure it was nice and tight to insure that she couldn't break free. Of course she could have kicked him in the balls, but what would she do after? Her hand was tied and her mouth gagged, so she couldn't get out the door. She could try to kick the door down, but she was most likely not strong enough to kick it down. Even though all this probably took a minute or two, to (Y/N) it felt like hours.

Finally the true horror began for the young woman, he starts first by saying demeaning things about her. "Why you crying? Huh, you asked for this. Wearing that little slutty skirt around all these men. These boobs are just waiting for my touch, aren't they?" the man whispers into her ear. She shakes her head vigorously hoping that it would make him stop, but of course he would not. He rips open her shirt and takes off her pants, then he goes to take off her underwear and bra. She was now unwillingly naked in front of him with tears running down her cheeks and onto her chest. His hands went to her chest and bum as a means to grope them, then his hand made their way her stomach to her vagina. Before he could do anything else, the door swings open to reveal Tom and Paddy. When they saw what was happening, they immediately took action. Paddy was told to call the police while Tom went to get the man off of (Y/N). He rips the male away from the young woman and puts himself between the pair.

"What the fuck are you doing, Elijah? You are fired, and I will make sure you will never get a job in business ever again! Once the police arrive, I'll also make sure you get to spend your fair share of time in prison!" Tom yells in anger whilst he unties her and helps put on her underwear and bra without looking at her. Hearing all the ruckus, some employees came over to see what happened and maybe try to help. After they piece together what was happening, they go to hold Elijah back so he can't run off before the police comes. The young woman was too shocked to do anything by herself because of her fear, so Tom took off his dress shirt and gave it to her. The police arrives and takes Elijah away to the police station, Tom knows that (Y/N) would have to go as well to give a report as to what happened. He also knew that she would not be able to tell them anything, if she was still in shock by the time they got to the station. Tom told Paddy to stay at the office, so their mother could come pick him up because what they were about to do was not exactly for children.


Tom first forced the driver to stop by a clothes store to get her some clothes. While they were in the car, he works on trying to calm her down. "(Y/N), did he hurt you? Do you need medical help?" Tom first tries to insure that she was physically okay. "I—I-I don't ne-ed med—ical h-help, bu-t he did t-touch me in p-places I d-did not want," she stutters out still with tears streaming down her face. "I know, he hurt you and it really scared you. However, if you want any sort of justice for what happened, I need you to calm down a bit so that you can tell them what happened. The police won't understand anything you are saying if you keep stuttering (Y/N)," Tom tries to comfort from a distance because of what happened. "I'm sorry. I was just so scared and I couldn't do anything. I thought he was going to be able to finish what he started," (Y/N) says as she starts to feel a calming effect because of Tom. For some reason Tom was easily able to calm the girl, maybe it was because she could feel that he only had good intentions. Maybe it was because deep down inside she as well felt the same way about him and just wanted his comfort and protection.


While they drive to the station and (Y/N) works on calming herself down, she slowly moves herself closer to Tom in order to help calm herself. After they did what they needed to do at the police station, Tom brought (Y/N) back home where the Holland family waited to help comfort her. "(Y/N), sweetie, are you okay? Do you need anything?" Nikki asks in a worried tone. The mother figure goes to give the younger female a hug, which she graciously accepts. "I think I'll be okay if I can just put all this behind me and forget about it. It calms me a bit to know that he will be behind bars, plus Tom is doing a great job with helping me through this," (Y/N) assures Nikki. All the girl wanted to do was get this horrible experience behind her and move on with her life. Later on in the evening, Tom and (Y/N) sat on the patio sofa together watching the sun set. "Thank you for saving me and for helping me out throughout this whole thing. You are really helping me forget it," (Y/N) thanks him. "You are welcome. All I want is for you to feel comfortable again," Tom says. After another moment of silence, (Y/N) moves closer to Tom so that his arm is around her shoulder. She places her head on his shoulder and he looks down at her with a smile, but not in a creepy way. He could not help but realize that he really is falling for (Y/N), and that he would do anything in his power to ensure that Elijah will get what is coming for him. He promises from then on that he will protect her from anything that will come her way, but he doesn't only promise it to himself but to the universe.

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