Chapter 1

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(Y/N) was unpacking her bags into the room given to her by Mrs. Holland; she did not expect she would be working for the Hollands when she was looking for a job. The job was high pay, which would help pay off university debt, and she got to live in the mansion with them. Her job was to help the youngest member of the Holland family throughout his day. Her job description was to keep track of his schedule, aid him with homework, make sure he gets to his classes and anything else Paddy needed. The Hollands were one of the wealthiest families in the world, they practically owned everything, and it has been that way for centuries. Working for them would look great on a resume, plus the pay was amazing.

Today was her first day and she really wanted to make a good impression; so once her bags were unpacked in the spacious room, she went down stairs to meet the rest of the family. So far she has met Nikki and Dom, but she has yet to meet their children. "(Y/N), over here! Come meet the boys. Paddy, the youngest and who you will be taking care of, is on the left; Harry, one of the twins, is in the middle; and Sam, the second twin, is on the right. My eldest Tom is away at the moment on a business trip with my husband," Nikki introduces (Y/N) to each of the boys in the living room. Each boy waves to her as their mother called out their names and gave her a warm smile. "Hi, I am (Y/N) as you may already know. I can't wait to start work, you guys seems really nice," she says awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. "Hi, (Y/N). Can you help me with my English homework?" Paddy asks as he comes to shake my hand. "Of course, I can help you. Only if it's okay with your mom if we get started now," she tells the young boy.


(Y/N) has been working for the Hollands for a week and it was going great, she really enjoyed the company of the Hollands. The Hollands really liked (Y/N) as well, especially Paddy, who you could say was starting to develop a little crush on her. She would eat breakfast everyday with the family and they were having a great time with her. "(Y/N), today my husband and Tom will be back from the business trip, so if you could make sometime for Paddy to see them today. It would be great," Nikki questions as they ate breakfast. "Yeah, I can see if Milo is willing to push back his horseback riding lesson by an hour or two. Is that enough time, Paddy?" (Y/N) replies. "Two hours would be enough (Y/N), thank you," Paddy answers, after he snapped out of his day dream about her. "I'll call him when you are at football lessons," she says.


It's one o'clock and Paddy is sitting on the patio with Dom and Tom; while (Y/N) sat inside making Paddy's schedule for next week. (Y/N) has yet to be introduced to the oldest brother, who was quite handsome if she says so herself. However, she knows his reputation as a ladies man, which does not appeal to her at all plus she wanted to keep it professional. On the other side of the glass, Paddy sat talking to his father and older brother about how great his new assistant is. "(Y/N) really is great. She is so organized, always helps me with homework, and she is so pretty. I really like her dad, please never fire her," Paddy rants to them. "She really does seem great son, and if you like her this much, I wouldn't dream of firing her," Dom reassures his son. "So when do I get to meet this (Y/N). I seem to be the only one who hasn't met her," the young CEO inquires wanting to see what this pretty (Y/N) looks like. "You can meet her when she comes to get me for the horseback riding lessons," Paddy suggests. Tom nods his head and their conversation topic changes.

"Paddy, it's time for your lesson," (Y/N) tells Paddy from the patio door. "Okay, but first let me introduce you to Tom," Paddy demands as he takes her hand and drags her to Tom. Tom watched the exchange between his younger brother and the beautiful female. She looked about his age, and Paddy was right, she certainly was pretty. As Tom watched his younger brother drag the girl over to him, his heart started beating faster and it felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest. This feeling was not familiar to the young businessman and he did not understand what was going on, but he has to say that he enjoyed it. Her presence absolutely took his breath away, so he felt like he was in a movie. He took another glance at (Y/N), then realized what the feeling was. Tom thinks he found the one; he never felt this way before and frankly he did not know if it was true. All he knew was that he wanted her to be his girlfriend and maybe one day his wife. Was this love at first sight?

(Y/N) was nervous about meeting Tom because she knew he was an important person in Paddy's life, and she wanted to make a good impressions. Once she was face to face with the young man, there was an awkward silence between the two young people. "Well, hello beautiful. I'm Tom Holland, the heir of Holland industries," he introduces himself and gives her a kiss on the hand. Now for any other girl this whole act would normally make her weak in the knees, but to (Y/N) she found it completely unprofessional. "Mr. Holland, I find what you just did very unprofessional. I am here for Mr. Paddy, not for your romantic needs. This is my work environment. Plus I know how you are with females, so all your little tricks won't work on me. This job is too important. Now, Paddy. It's time for your lessons," (Y/N) says as she storms off. "Look what you did you div. Now she is mad," Paddy shouts while storming off after her. Tom stood there in amazement that his normal tricks did not work and if he wanted to be with her, he would have to step up his game.

True Love Can't Be Bought (CEO! Tom Holland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now