Chapter 4

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Warning: Language 

Once Tom thought that (Y/N) had enough time to cool down a little, he decided it was time to do something he has never really done before. (Y/N) sat at her desk in her room fixing Paddy's schedule for tomorrow, when she heard a knock at the door. Who could that be, she wondered as she made her way to the door. She opens the door, only to immediately close it afterwards, but Tom stops her before she could. "We needed to talk," he informs her as he welcomes himself into her room. "Yes, come in and we have nothing to talk about," she says sarcastically, leaning herself on the desk whilst he sat on her bean bag chair. "Yes, we do (Y/N). It's important, now shut up and listen," Tom demands. "Okay, let's talk. Hmmm, what should we talk about? Oh wait, I got it! Maybe, we should talk about how you are an arrogant asshole, who can't keep it in his pants and ruins everything!" (Y/N) mocks as she starts to get angry again. "I'm sorry, okay. I am so sorry for ruining your date and continuously hitting on you. I should have listened to you and kept to my word of just trying to be your friend. Please, give me another chance to be your friend," Tom begs to the young woman. (Y/N) laughs mockingly and interrupts him, "Why should I give you another chance? I already gave you a chance!" "Because I really am telling the truth this time. I really want to be your friend, just like you are with my brothers and Harrison. I cross my heart and hope to die that all I want is your friendship and if I am lying then I give you permission to never talk to me ever," Tom continues.

(Y/N) was a nice person that loved to see the best in people, and right now all she saw in Tom was the truth and love. So she decided to give him one more chance and hopefully she was right. "Fine, you have one more chance and if you are lying then I will gladly kick your butt. Capiche," (Y/N) threatens. Tom nods quickly with a smile on his face and he gets up to give her a hug. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Tom asks his new friend. "At 10 p.m. at night, Tom, I have work tomorrow," (Y/N) complains. "Ahh, come on! My family adores you, already, and you have barely been working here for a month. They won't fire you if you sleep in tomorrow morning, especially because Paddy would throw a fit if they did," Tom tries to convince her. "Fine, but we are watching Mean Girls. Only movie I'm in the mood to watch right now," (Y/N) decides as she puts the movie on and they go to sit on her bed. Once the movie finishes, they both decided that they didn't want to go to bed yet, so they started talking. "Do you have any siblings?" Tom asks. "Yeah, I do. I have seven older brothers, it really caused me to be competitive sometimes," she tells him. "That is a lot of brothers, and I thought having three brothers was a lot," Tom says in shocked. "Yeah, when I was younger it got annoying at sometimes, but I love them to death. You know I never asked you if you went to university," (Y/N) informs him.

"No, I didn't go to university because my dad has been teaching me about business and how to run a company since I was a little boy. I have been helping out with the company since I was 12. How about you? I know you went to university, but I don't know what for," Tom informs her. "I have a baccalaureate in Working with Children & Young People from Kingston University," she answers his questions. "That makes sense as to why you got a job working for a child," Tom finally realizing why the young girl decided to get a job in child care instead of a job at a company or a café. "Yeah, it just so happens that's what I'm best at. I've always loved working with children, so why not get a degree in it," (Y/N) explains with passion. Tom loved the way she talked about how much she loved working for his family. He loved the way her eyes twinkled when she explained what it was like in university. To be honest Tom was not paying any attention to what she was saying because he was to entrance with how beautiful she was and how passionate she was about things she loves. They talked to each other for a few more hours till the early hours of the morning and that is when the two of them finally feel asleep.

In the morning, the two young adults woke up in the same bed together, but they did expect to be cuddling when they woke up. "Umm, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this," Tom apologizes as he felt embarrassed as to what happened. "It's okay. How could you mean it if we were both sleeping," (Y/N) accepts the apologize and realizes that Paddy is probably waiting for her in the kitchen. "Shit, I have to go get your brother," (Y/N) tells him as she goes to get some clothes on in her bathroom. "(Y/N), I'm going to go get ready for work. I'll see you this afternoon," Tom bids her goodbye to go get ready for work. (Y/N) forgot that Paddy was going over to Tom's work today, so they could hang out together. She thought it was so cute how much time the two brothers hung out with each other, Tom really was a family man even with his reputation of breaking girls' hearts. Once she was done getting ready, (Y/N) went to get Paddy and took him to the office.

"What's going on between you and Tom?" Paddy questions her. "Nothing. Why would you think that?" (Y/N) asks nervously. "I saw him coming out of your room this morning. He had this stupid smile on his face, so what did you guys do together?" Paddy explains. "We just talked nothing happened between us, except that we are friends now," (Y/N) tells him. "Whatever," Paddy mumbles as they changed the subject. On the other side of town, Tom stood looking out the window of his office. It over looked the London streets and Tom was really nervous. Although he was now friends with (Y/N) and he knew that their relationship was not going to change any time soon; he still felt the need to impress her. "Mr. Holland, your brother is here with Ms. (Y/L/N)," his secretary informs him about their arrival. "Okay, send them in," Tom demands.

"Tom," Paddy yells as he goes to give his brother a hug. (Y/N) stays back and smiles at the exchanges between the two Hollands. "(Y/N), you can take a seat in the chair if you would like or you can go for the afternoon. I can watch my brother for the rest of the day," Tom clarifies. "I think I'll stay. I have to bring him home anyways, no point in driving back home. I think I'll just sit and catch up on Stranger Things," (Y/N) tells him. She sits down on the chair and takes out her laptop with her headphones. "Do you need the Wi-Fi?" Tom asks, going to stand behind her to give it to her. Tom gives her the Wi-Fi then goes back to his brother. Tom was explaining to Paddy what he was doing at the moment for the business and he did a pretty good job at explaining it to the young boy. (Y/N) lied down on the couch in Tom's office and watched the exchange between the two boys. She couldn't help but smile with how adorable they were together. It was lunch time and (Y/N) said she would get lunch for the two of them.

She got back to his office and saw a sweet moment between Tom and Paddy. Tom was teaching Paddy how to tie a bow-tie and it looked like they were having a blast. "That's great, but you need to loop this piece through this piece," Tom corrects his brother. "I'm back guys! Why does he need to know how to tie a bow tie?" (Y/N) inquires. "Because the family is invited to go to the Yule Ball in three weeks. By the way, you are invited too," Tom notifies her. "Oh, well thanks for the heads up. I'll have to look for a dress. A macaroni and cheese with truffles for Paddy, and a medium rare steak with caviar mash potatoes for Tom. BTW, that is such a weird combination," she says as they sat at the conference table to eat. They all started eating when all of a sudden Paddy threw some of his mac and cheese at Tom. It hit him in the face and he started chuckling; he picked up some of the mash potatoes and threw it at Paddy. They all started laughing and food was being thrown from left and right. "This is a total waste of food," (Y/N) screamed as she threw some of her pasta in guilt. "It's okay I'll go to a homeless shelter tomorrow and help feed them. I'll also donate some money to a charity that gives food," Tom assures her. "I guess that would make me feel a little bit better," (Y/N) yells while Tom threw some steak into her mouth. (Y/N) could not help, but swoon at what he just said because he was willing to help other people if it meant that it would make (Y/N) happy.

(Y/N) took a piece of pasta and threw it into his mouth. "Goal," Paddy screamed as he ran around the room. "Okay, I bet you can't throw some steak into my mouth from your desk," (Y/N) bets. "Oh, I can totally do it," Tom accepts the bet and goes behind the desk with a piece of steak. (Y/N) opened her mouth and waits for Tom to throw the steak. He takes a shot and it smacks onto her forehead, they all started laughing at what happened. "Okay, well that is a flop. I bet you can throw a piece of pasta into my mouth from the conference table," Tom bets. "Okay, but if I do you owe me 50 bucks," (Y/N) says as she gets ready to throw the pasta. She throws the pasta and it get into his mouth; all three of them screamed and ran around the room like crazy people. They were having an absolute blast together.

Once the food fight was over, the three of them started cleaning up the mess they made together. "(Y/N), we need some clean supplies from the closet. Can you get us some? It's down the hall to the right," Tom asks me. "Okay, I'll go. Hold on I'll be back," (Y/N) agrees and goes to get the supplies. (Y/N) made her way down the supply closet whilst thinking about how handsome Tom was when he runs his hand through his hair. She loved that he wasn't one of those guys that didn't care about his family because to her, family was the most important thing in the world. She got to the supply closet and started to gather the things that they may need. She had her back turned to the door and no one else was in there with her. The door opened and closed, but she didn't think anything of it till she heard it locked. At that she turned around to see a man around her age walking closer to her. "Umm, did you need some supplies as well?" the young woman questions nervously. "No, but I see something else that I need," The young man answers as he walked closer. This is not going to go well, the young girl thought in fear. 

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