“I’ll be here for you whenever you need me. Just tell me what you need.” I looked straight into his eyes.

“Why are you saying this like you even care about me?”  This is so not him.

“You’ll know why in the right time.” He stood up and walked few steps away from me. He help up his phone gave me that gesture telling just to call or text him before he left the room.

I found myself bringing back the lonely me. I closed my eyes. Unsure of what is currently into me. What happened today, Enzo, his family, the engagement, the announcement, Gabby, the makeover, the beach. Man, it was so hard to take in all of those. Suddenly, I remembered to check my iPhone.

There was a message from Denzel and another message from Enzo.

I opened Enzo’s first.

‘I hope you sleep well. I forgot to tell you, we’ll get married next week. That leaves you busy for the next coming days.’

Wait. What?

‘What’s with the rush? Why so fast?’


I replied to Enzo before opening Denzel’s message.

‘Hey I gotta ask u question. Pls reply as soon as u read my msg. I’ll wait 4 ur answer.’


I wondered what he is going to ask me.



I received another text from Enzo.

‘You would want to get over this thing as soon as possible, right? Well, unless you want to be my so called fiancé for a little longer? I can really move it next month or even next year if you want to. J’


I can sense that cocky smirk in his face right now.

‘No, I wouldn’t want to be your so called “fiancé” for a long time. Let’s get married next week then and divorce after a month. Have a good night.’


I changed into my sleeping clothes and removed my makeup first before going to bed. I let a loud yawn before opening a message from Denzel.

‘I’ll just call if it’s ok? I really need to ask you something’


Before I can even compose a reply, my phone rang. It was him.

“Hey.” He muttered when I answered.

“Just ask me your question already, I am freaking sleepy” I leaned my back on the bed’s head board.

“Are you the lady that Enzo Atchley’s about to marry?” My eyes widened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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