Chapter 8 - The Girl from the Sword

Start from the beginning

*************************                                                                                              6 hours later


"Why good evening......young fox" Said a girl dressed purple and red. Not understanding, or caring, what this girl wanted I decided to survey my current surroundings. I wasn't in the inn anymore, and the area I stood in with the girl, was surrounded by a white fog. However, this was different than the whiteness from when I met the goddess.

"Hey...don't ignore me!" Shouted the girl dressed in goth clothing. She seemed to be a little upset but it's hard to take her seriously when her cheeks are puffed. Not that I wanna get mixed up in this funny business, but I suppose I should hear her out since I might not be able to find my way out of this place on my own. "Ya, ya, who are you then?" I inquired her. 

I shouldn't have asked so rudely, but it kinda just slipped out. Now she looked a little peeved off...Oioi she might pop a blood vessel if her face looks any angrier than this! "I'm not a someone you should be rude to, for your information! My name is Voliei Raynic...I don't remember giving permission to wield me, to a beastman!" 

OK, I was a little confused this time...although I was given knowledge of this world, I still don't know fact most of what I was given, was just general information about this world. However, this girl might not be a part of that "General" information that was granted to me. That or there are some gaps in my knowledge that aren't quite filled in yet. 

Since I wasn't a big fan of her tone, I gave her a chop on the head while holding back my strength. The reaction was her crouching down holding her head and pouting, but I still needed some answers so I couldn't do any more to her. I had an idea of who she is by what she was saying but it would be best to confirm it, "So, I'm guessing by what you're saying...that you must be Noroi....right?" 

Taking a deep breath, and standing up while proudly sticking out her small chest, she started laughing, "Kukuku~ That's right beastman, I am the sword you have decided to name 'Noroi' and I have dragged your sleeping consciousness here to this realm because you have me confused....What the hell are you? To be able to resist my possession, one must have the highest level of mental resistance, but you don't look all that strong to be perfectly honest...." 

Then after saying that she started staring at me

Jiiii~~~~ (Noroi)

...? (Sora)

Jii~~ (Noroi)

......? (Sora)

"GAAaaahhhh!! I can't figure it out! Why can't I possess you?!" (Noroi)

I guess her staring at me was meant to be her trying to possess my body, whilst my mind remained in this place, but it seems that even though I'm not conscious, my mental resistance skill still works. 

While she was throwing a tantrum, the fog grew brighter. This either meant she was trying harder to possess me, or it was already time for me to wake up. Taking one last look at Noroi, I found it oddly enjoyable while she was kicking around on the floor complaining about the failed possession. Perhaps I'll see her again in the future, but until then, I will just have to hope that she will allow me to become her wielder. I would hate to force her into submission on this matter.

As I opened my eyes I saw the inn's ceiling that I was slowly getting used to seeing. To my right there was Sana hugging my arm, while still sleeping. To my left, instead of my sword there was a girl there, she seemed familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it......AHHHH!?!?!? NOROI?!?!

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(AN: This is the human form of Noroi (AKA Voliei Raynic). Please imagine her with Golden Yellow eyes, instead of Blue. Plus a bit taller.)

Guild Cards: G-F = Copper w/ colored outline =         G: Red Outline         F: Green Outline        E: Blue Outline

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Guild Cards:
G-F = Copper w/ colored outline =
        G: Red Outline
        F: Green Outline
        E: Blue Outline.
D = Bronze
C = Silver
B = Gold.
A = Mythril.
S-SS = Orichalcum w/ an outline =
        S: Gold Outline
        SS: Mythril outline
SSS: Adamantine.

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