Chapter 7 Learning Fragments of the Truth

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Per Taehyung's request, you stopped texting him. Just in time for Hoseok and Yoongi to come back with a handful of blankets and pillows, along with a pack of batteries and an empty remote. You knew that it was good to get that deal good deal on blankets. Since you had a feeling that Yoongi and Hoseok loved crashing your place on their days offs, heck even after their practice.

Keeping the thought in mind that your friends couldn't keep on sharing one blanket with you during sleepovers, since Hobi stole majority of the blanket for himself. You decided to buy extra blankets for occasions like this. Along with pillows. You pushed your table to the side, while Yoongi laid out the blankets on the floor, and all while Hoseok was busy putting the batteries into the remote.

You sighed, as you remembered what the two boys said before. "Don't bottle in your emotions anymore" Having the urge to start being more honest with them both, you said awkwardly "Um, Hobi-ah, Yoongi oppa....I have something to show you." You all sat down comfortably on the laid blankets.

You pulled out your phone from under your leg, as you passed your phone to Yoongi so they could see the conversation between you and Taehyung. They both took their time to read and grasp the whole conversation.

"He said that he never liked you romantically, so why? As much as I care about you Y/N, he could have just rejected you." Yoongi questioned with a serious tone.
"But hyung, doesn't what mean that TaeTae has been faking it this whole time?" As Hoseok tilted his head in confusion, Y/N and Yoongi both became silent.

"It's a possibility."
"I know that you probably won't accept the truth Y/N, but that seems like what Hoseok said was the truth."
Yoongi sighed.

"It could be worse, I would rather get hurt by the truth than force Taehyung to love and interact with me any longer. " Y/N took a deep breath.
"Once a find out the truth, I won't have to interfere with his life anymore. He left me for a reason that I should know."

Hobi smiled brightly at you. "Y/N-ah!!!! I'm glad you're being positive again"
"Now, not be be rude but do we have to talk about Taehyung at every chance we get? Since you basically planned out what you're going to do, let's just watch dramas now." Yoongi said with his classic voice of boredom.

"Seems like the classic Yoongi is back huh." Y/N laughs.

"Hope you can resolve things with Taehyung"

"Thanks oppa, and you too Hobi"

The days goes by as you continue to watch drama, after drama. Yoongi cringed at every single romantic scene; mainly the ones where the female protagonist seems like she is being asked out by the man she likes, only to find out that it was a dream. Hoseok laughed at most scenes, only to cry dramatically with you when the couple got a happy ending. Just as you got up from the warmth of the blankets to get more banana milk, you hear your phone buzz once again. Another buzz is heard. Your phone starts buzzing constantly until you hear Yoongi yell from across the room.

"Y/N! Turn your loud-ass ringer down!"

"Wow oppa you actually want to hear what the actors are saying?" You say in a playful tone as a smirk comes unto your face.

"I would rather hear these annoying actors than your phone buzzing every second!!!"

"Alright, alright." You grab some banana milk as you turn to the side of your phone to turn your ringer off. As your phone buzzes again, you get annoyed, so you thought to yourself; "If this person is constantly texting me, I might as well see who it is. I mean, what if it's Jin oppa??? I don't want him to nag me next time I see him."

You unlock your phone as you notice that the one texting you is an unknown number. Yet this person refers to you as if they know you.

(Authors note: the unknown numbers texts are in bold.)

"I hope you have been well"
"You didn't seem too mad earlier when oppa texted you"
"Even after he cheated on you, only to rub more salt in your wounds"

You have a clear idea of who it is, so you continue to read, hoping your intuition is right.

"Unni, meet up with me later. I have a long story to tell you."
"Ah, by the way......"
"It's Jae Eun texting you right now."
"Hope to see you soon Unni."

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