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"Y/N, I don't love you."
Taehyung said emotionlessly.

The bright features of Y/N's face saddened. As your soft lips shook, the corners of your lips turned into a smile. Although, not a genuine smile.
"I'm sorry for wasting your time, Tae."

"It's about time that you realized."
"Well, I can at least say thank you;
For understanding."

As Taehyung walked away slowly,
And Further.
With his fingers intertwined with another woman. He clenched unto her hand ever so gently, just like the way he did to me. As he walked further, it was as if his body started becoming a faint mirage in the distance. A part of Y/N wanted him to look back at her one last time, before he parted from her life. Yet he kept walking towards that path,
Hands intertwined with that woman. The very woman that he loved more than her. His mirage became fainter. Y/N couldn't see his unique facial features anymore, his boxy smile, nothing. The moment when his body fully became a mirage in the distance, a strong noise was heard. Many of them.

As Y/N opened her eyes, she looked up at the ceiling, realizing that she had just a mere dream. Y/N stretched her slender arms over her head, as she bent towards her nightstand. Y/N assumed that her obnoxious ringer was coming from her phone. Y/N picked up her phone with her left hand, as she used her right hand to rub her somewhat sleep deprived eyes. Her phone continued to ring. She squinted her eyes to see the caller ID.
Y/N read the caller ID out loud, with a hint of annoyance in her voice, due to her being slightly sleep deprived.
"My Hope, my Angel😇"
Y/N sighed. "Goddamit Hobi, you are one of my best friends but do you really have to call me at 8:34am?" She questioned. Y/N, knowing Hoseok for a while, had yet to resist Hobi's sunny persona. Y/N didn't want Hobi to blow up her phone later with texts saying;

"Why didn't you answer me!!!"
"Y/N-ah I miss bothering Jin-hyung with you"
"Wahhhh are you still alive?????"
"Don't worry your Angel Hobi will save you!!!"

That was just the tip of the iceberg, of Hobi being a persistent lil sunshine. If Hobi wasn't so adorable, Y/N would have thrown her phone out the window by now. Not being able to resist, she answered the call.

"You finally responded chingu!!!"
"Hobi, I adore you as one of my best friends, but why call so early in the morning?" Y/N questioned.
"Would you like to come to our dance practice today????"
"I'm sure you'd love to watch your one and only, Hobi dance!!"
Y/N hesitated, "I'm not sure, I mean I'm still pretty tired, and besides-"
Hoseok cut her off. With a playful tone, he said "I bet you would want to see Taehyung as well"
Y/N didn't say anything, since her face flushed bright red.
"Are you blushing, Y/N-ah???"
"Aigoo, how cute❤️"
"H-Hobi!!!" Y/N said in an embarrassed tone.

Honestly, Hobi was like a sibling that would constantly tease Y/N about her love life.
Y/N cleared her throat as she said, "As I was saying earlier;
"Taehyung never told me about this dance practice."
Hoseok said in a questioning tone, "But wasn't Taehyung always the one to tell you about practice beforehand?"
"I only asked you Y/N because Jimin told me that Taehyung never talked to you about it. Although I thought he notified you before, I just wanted to make sure."
"Well that's kind of odd." Y/N stated. "Now that I think about it, nowadays Taehyung rarely tells me anything."
"Although I sure am glad to have a friend like you Hobi, to tell me about these things. After all, I'm a 24 year old that doesn't know anything."
"Aish don't say that Y/N-ah!!! We are each other's hope after all." Hoseok said in a reassuring tone.
"So, are you coming????"
"Sure Hobi. I'd like to see how everyone has improved." Y/N said calmly.
"Thank you Y/N-ah!!!!"
"No problem Hobi."

Little did she know, that her boyfriend wasn't that loyal after all.

Never Actually Loved K.T.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora