Chapter 3

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Walking into my fifth club of the night, I ordered my second alcoholic beverage of the night and scanned the club's crowd.

Bingo, group of women half-dancing in a shady corner of the bar, taking turns scanning the crowd in the same way I had. Retrieving my drink, I carefully made my way over, looking over the group and picking out the cutest one. We locked eyes – hers were a striking green – and I smiled and mouthed 'dance with me?'

She smiled coyly back, whispering to one of her friends – coworkers – before coming over to seductively place a hand on my shoulder. My shirt was thin, and I felt the heat her hand gave off through the material. I had left my jacket in the car after Club #2.

"Why, hello hot stuff." She purred, running her youthful hands through my hair. "I love your hair, it's so unique."

"Thank you. You look devastatingly gorgeous, has anyone told you that yet?" I replied, keeping the lustful look on my face as the redhead moved closer to me, making it easier for us to hold a conversation without others overhearing. "Like, drop-dead gorgeous."

Was the code simple? Yes.

Did the code work? Yes.

"What are you trying to pay for in flattery?" She replied, narrowing her eyes more out of suspicion than flirting.

"Heard the gun-boy Kodak got whacked. Looking to move into the area and offer my services. Know anyone in the market?" I replied in a low voice, almost growling out my previous identity's name.

She smirked. "You're in luck, hot stuff. We're in the market for a supplier. Ready for your first business meeting in the area?"

I smirked back at her. "I'm new to the area, but this is not my first time at the rodeo. And please, call me Thanatos."

Taking my hand, she shot her coworkers a look before pretending to seductively drag me out the back door of the club. Playing along, I slid into the role of a star-struck man, following the seductress out the back door where the façade shattered. Releasing her hand, I schooled my features and gave her a strong nod. She nodded back to me and led me through the back alleyways towards their temporary meeting room.

Down an external staircase and into the basement of a decrepit office building, the woman gave me a calculating once-over before opening a door and stepping inside. I followed, pausing when I came face-to-face with a blonde-haired, crimson-eyed woman as she aimed a gun at my heart.

"How the hell are you still alive?" She growled, and I heard the other woman closing the door and pulling her gun as well.

I stayed calm, putting both hands in my pockets in a casual manner. A small smirk made its way onto my face as my eyes narrowed slyly. "I really am lucky tonight. Tell me you didn't really think you could get rid of me that easily, soulmate."

She narrowed her eyes. "Soulmate or not, I never fail a mission."

The last words that went through my mind before I died were the lyrics to one of my new favorite songs:

'Shot to the heart, and you're too late. Baby, you give love a bad name.'


Up In ArmsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz