"Sorry it's just I-" Marci cuts me off
"You still like her, that's why right?" She gives me a don't lie to me type of face and I mean come on. It's like a mom face I can't lie. I sigh and reply back
"Yeah I still like her. A lot actually." I look down at my feat. I must sound really dumb right now. Marci grabs my chin and moves my head towards her.
"Marci it's okay. Just try not to be so sad about it. You'll find someone." She smiles and I smile back. "NOW LETS GO PLAY SOME BASKETBALL YOU THOT!" She pushes me to get up and I laugh at the sudden humor.

Just when we were about to get a ball from the basket someone snatched it. I look up and see the one and only Kat. "Hey we were gonna get that ball!" Mia yells. Oh brother. Not this childish thing. "Sorry but who's hands is it in?"  She teases. She looks at me in the eye and look down immediately once she saw I was looking right back at her. "Can we at least play together since it's the last ball?" I ask. I'm not gonna be the child here and fight over a ball. Pfft who do you think I am? Mia?
"I'm sorry. Dyke. But no thank you." She does that stupid smile that made me fall in love with her and skips off to play with her friends.

"Why that bitch has the nerves to call you a dyke and smile and then fucking walk off like it's nothing. Pfft who does she think she is? " Mia starts rambling while I can't take my eyes off her. Like she's a freaking goddess. "Marci are you seriously- You know what never mind. Your gay ass doesn't even care." She scoffs and sits back down with me following her. "So you don't care she called you a dyke?" "No sir. She can call me whatever she likes if you ask me." I say joking around. "Oh my gosh." Mia and me just end up laughing at how dumb I am. Ah isn't that nice.

Time skip🔪 (Liam's POV)

"You know what I like about caterpillars? They're so tiny and cute. I wish I could have one as a pet. I just UGH really freaking love them. Ahh never mind it can never compare to-" at the moment I'm just listening to Noah talk about a bunch of different animals while walking to lunch. Time passed by real fast so yeah lunch here we come I guess.
"What do you think Liam?" I turn my head to him and see his cute smile. I mean I see him smile. He's really cute when he smiles. Especially when he talks about things he likes. "Whatever. I don't know." I reply bluntly with a plain expression. "You weren't even listening were you?" He shakes his head and giggles a little. Literally stop being cute. Dumb ass. When we get to the table we sit at every year we both see Marci and Mia sitting down talking. "Ahh wassup guys!" Mia hugs us both, which I decline. I don't like hugs.

"So hows it going for y'all so far?" Marci asks us.
"I made like 10 friends already so hella great." Mia beamed.
"It's going well, I saw this really cute dude in my art class." Noah blushes a little while Mia and Marci "Aww" I roll my eyes and say how my day has been so far. "It's been okay I guess." I shrug.
The whole lunch they joked around while I just listened and joined in the conversation here and there.

Time skip to after skool cos I'm lazy :)

"Hey y'all want to come over to my house and hang out. We can go to the park later on too." I ask which they all reply yes. We start walking towards my house and once we got there we got comfortable and sat on my sofa with snacks and drinks.
"What movie do y'all want to watch?"
"Uhhh, how about The Bee Movie?" Noah asks. Dude. Really? Okay whatever.
I put it on and we turn off all the lights and snuggle altogether on the sofa.

Another time skip cos a dood lazy 🥳🤠

It was 7 pm and right now everyone left cos my parents were coming home.
I don't like my parents around when my friends are with me. I just don't want to get embarrassed. I get up and clean up the mess we made just in time cos I hear the door open.
"Look all I'm saying is stop drinking for a while. You think he wants you to come home drunk everyday?" My mom sighs and puts all her things down on the table.
"Hello my baby!" My mom smiles and gives me a big hug, I hug her back and smile too. Okay I don't like hugs but my mom does give the best hugs.
"Ah shut up he's not a baby! He's almost a grown man and you treat him like he's fucking 10! Baby my ass." My dad shakes his head and takes another sip of his beer.

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