Chapter Eight

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Diana was unable to go back to sleep after the experience she had encountered with her mother. All she could think about was how beautiful she was and how much she wanted to be closer to her. Diana wondered how much life would have been different had she grown up with her mother instead of Geneva. She definitely wouldn't be in the predicament she's in now. She felt terrible knowing a power she has yet to have control over is the reason Geneva's life is slipping between her fingers. Regardless of the blood relation, Geneva was the only thing she's ever had. Losing her would break Diana, especially because at this point she believes it's all her fault. All she can do now is become what everyone is wanting her to be. At least if Geneva dies it won't be in vein. 

Diana wondered how a queen of a kingdom can become enslaved by some secondary witches. What did they have over Amethyst that made her just bow down to them? It has to be more than just protecting the people in the kingdom. Diana was sure there was a way Amethyst could have ended the feud without it resulting in a war. Maybe that was what Amethyst meant in Diana's dream when she said her and Bishop needed to have a conversation. Maybe Bishop knew the entire story of what was going on. He seemed to know everything else. 

Diana swung the blanket off her and went on her hunt to find Bishop. She wasn't for sure if the things she read about vampires were true or not. With that being said, she had no clue if the guy slept or not. His house had many rooms on both upstairs and downstairs, and Bishop insisted Diana could have the whole upper half. He wanted to make her as comfortable as possible. Diana was beginning to believe Bishop didn't have any clue how to approach this just like Diana didn't. 

The steps creaked as she tip toed to the lower level of the house. It was completely dark and Diana was unaware where all the light switches were, so she was left with using the flash light from her cell phone. Bishop's house was old and in need of an entire remodeling. It sort of gave the place a creepy feeling to it but Diana didn't want to say anything. Even though she was sure when her mind was racing about it he could hear every thought. Diana made a note to figure out how to block him out of her mind. 

Diana checked every room and there was no sign of Bishop. She was beginning to think maybe he went out for the night, which would be rude if he did and didn't let Diana know. Not for his safety but for hers. This area is new to her and the slightest sound would freak her out. Diana was just about to give up and leave her quest for another day when she heard a loud scream come from the other side of the basement door. Everything within her was telling her to turn around and act like she didn't hear anything. Or better yet, pack up all of her things and go back to Geneva's place. Tiko, which is the name she decided to give her friendly owl, flew in and landed on her shoulder. He looked at Diana and she knew she had to see what the scream was about. 

"But do I have to?", she asked Tiko.

Tiko looked and if Diana didn't know any better, she could've sworn he rolled his eyes. 

"Alright fine, but if I die, this is on you", Diana whispered.

With shaking hands, Diana opened the door slowly as it creaked open. She was convinced everything in this house made noise. Shining the light off her phone still, she carefully descended down into the basement. She hoped Bishop was watching some scary movie and had it on surround sound or something, but she knew that wasn't the case. The scream she heard was real and it sent chills down her spine every time she thought of it. The hair stood up on the back of her neck as she reached the bottom, still engulfed in darkness. She continued to tip toe, not knowing what direction to go in. The basement was huge and she would've never known it was the size it was. Tiko softly hooted in Diana's ear just as she heard another spine tingling scream. Diana yelped then heard some loud scuffling of some feet. The sound of a door that she hadn't realized she was standing next to began to unlock and slightly opened. Diana turned the flash light off on her phone and placed her hand over her mouth so another noise didn't escape from her lips again. The door open some more and Bishop stepped out. His hair that was normally in a bun was free and hung long down his back. His shirt was ruffled as if he was fighting with someone. Diana could see due to the faint light from the room behind the door Bishop reach up and pull a string that was hanging from the ceiling. The basement was eliminated with light and Diana knew her hiding spot had been found. Slowly, Bishop turned on his heels and looked at Diana. Diana gasped, the image in front of her making her scared in ways she has never been. Bishop burgundy eyes were completely black. Blood was dripping off his chin and fangs that she hadn't noticed before were extended. Bishop smiled at her but it wasn't a normal smile. This smile was evil and disturbing. Diana looked on her shoulder and saw Tiko was no longer there. She thought to make her escape just like he clearly did. Bishop tilted his head to the side, hearing her thoughts. Suddenly Bishop was no longer across the room. He stood in front of her, one hand on her neck and his face inches away.

"B-Bishop?", Diana stuttered.

"Bishop isn't here".

Bishop trailed his nose down Diana's neck, inhaling her scent. 

"The boy is an idiot keeping you alive", Bishop said, still sporting his evil smile. "I would have drained you the moment I saw you".

"Who are you?", Diana questioned.

"We will meet in due time, princess. For now, my terror is over. I get great joy murdering you humans and leaving the boy to clean my dirty work".

Using his sharp nail, Bishop put a slight cut on Diana's chest. She screamed as he bent and licked the oozing blood.

"Yes princess, fear me".

Bishop let out and evil laugh then dropped to his knees. Bishop's body convulsed and veins began to show all over his body. His black eyes seemed to roll to the back of his head and when they rolled back, they were back to their burgundy color. He keeled over as if he was in pain and Diana watched with wide eyes as he threw up a yellowish-green bodily fluid. When he finally caught his breath he looked up at the terrified expression Diana.

"Artemis!", he said, running to her aid. He reached in to touch her but Diana flinched and moved away. His eyes trailed to the cut on her chest that was still leaking blood. He looked back up into her eyes, her fear becoming even more evident. 

"I'm not going to hurt you".

"Yeah? Tell that to the fangs that are cutting through your gums".

Bishop took a deep breath in an attempt to control his natural urges.

"I cannot help when they come out. It is natural for them to peak when I smell blood. Just ... let me tend to your wound".

"Hell no, do not touch me!"

"Artemis ... please, I can tell you are afraid".

Bishop tried to reach out again but his attempt failed once more. Diana got up as quickly as she could and ran up the steps and out the basement. Bishop knew he could very easily run after her and force her to listen to his explanation, but he knew it would only make it worse. He went into what he thought was a secret room, however, now that Diana has saw it, it isn't so secret. He looked around and soaked in the image that he always saw. An innocent body laying in a pool of their own blood. This happened to Bishop so often, he was numb to the panic and the pain he felt from knowing what he has done. He walked over to the cremation chamber, and igniting the furnace. As it began to heat up, Bishop walked over to the mutilated corpse, placing his forefinger and middle finger over their eyes and closing them. He scooped the body into his arms and placed it on the mechanical beltway. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the button on the wall and the beltway slowly moved the body into the flames. Bishop was immune to the smell and he hoped Diana managed to close the basement door so the odor wouldn't escape to the entire house. He knew she wouldn't be able to take it. Bishop picked up the bleach and scrubbing brush he kept in the corner of the room and went to the pool of blood that was staining the middle of the floor. He dropped to his knees and began to scrub aggressively, as if what he was doing was cleaning away his sins. 

The Dark Passage: Queen of the Damned (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now