Monsta X (WYR) Hyungwon

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You lived in a nuclear wasteland. No sign of life for 6 years. Just empty buildings reminding you of what happened.

6 Years Ago

"Honey it's time to go" your mom shouts at you. Running down the stairs with a grin on your face and a suitcase in your hand.
"I'm ready mom" 13 years old self said.

You and your family was taking a trip to Busan to see grandparents.
"Hyungwon come on it's time to go" your mother shouts to Hyungwon. Hyungwon comes running down the stairs.
"Alright you to, got everything packed" you mother says to you both. You and Hyungwon look at each other, then back to your mom, quickly shake your head yes.
"Are you sure, Toothbrush" she asks you and him. You shake your head yes, as well as your brother.
"Alright let's get into the car" your mother says. You run out of the house, luggage in your tiny hand excited to see your grandparents.

5 Hours Later

"Grandpa, Grandma" both you and your brother shout. You both run into there arms happy to see them.

'Warning Nuclear Fallout, Warning Nuclear Fallout'

The tv announces.
"Mommy what does that mean" Hyungwon asks.
"H-Honey go d-downstairs w-with your s-sisters" you mother starts to cry out. You and your brother run downstairs and hide under the table.

6 Years Later

That's how you and your brother ended up hear. Your brother Hyungwon has always been there for you, through thick and thin.

"Hyungwon who's that" you point to so boys walking around.
"I don't know I've never seen them before" he says.
"We should go see them" you say excited to meet someone.
"I don't know" Hyungwon says unsure.
"Please, you need friends" you laugh, as Hyungwon rolls his eyes. Both of you head outside to see who these new people are. As you both head there way, a speeding car comes towards Hyungwons way....

Would You Rather

Save Hyungwon and get hit by the car


Let Hyungwon get hit by the car


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