Truth or dare?

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Hiya I'm excited to be writing this I think it will be fun if you have any request please comment or message me!

(edit: hey i'm going back through and editing the ones that I wrote because they could be a lot better so I hope you like the revised versions. ALSO this one-shot book is sometimes my stories and sometimes stuff I find on archive thats REALLY GOOD. So if you aren't liking one of the stories just goto the next one, there is something in here for everyone.)

Description: After the war the students are invited back to hogwarts to redo there seventh year. Midway through the year Hermione decides as a way to show house unity to invite all the eighth years to the room of requirement for a get together.

(Harry's POV)
What was supposed to be a small get together turned out to be a full blown party. As it turns outs Some of the Slytherins had managed to bring quite a few bottles of Fire whiskey, so of course everyone was borderline drunk when Hermione came up with the brilliant idea to play a game of truth or dare.

"Guys! We should play truth or dare! It would be so fun!" Hermione spoke very eagerly. "What's that?" Ron said looking confused. I looked around the room to see more confused faces, seems like none of the purebloods know what truth or dare.

"It's a muggle game where you sit in a circle and one person starts and asks any one they want truth or dare. Now if the person says truth you get to ask them a question and they have to tell the truth. Now to make sure of that we will all be taking veritaserum, If the person says dare then you get to dare them to do anything and they have to do if they don't then-then.." you could tell she was thinking of a punishment, her finger was tapping lightly against her chin and then her face lit up. "Then you will have to walk around the castle naked!" She giggled.

I don't think I have ever seen Hermione so playful she really should drink more often. Not that I want her to become an alcoholic or anything, but it would be nice for her to loosen up. Some people didn't want to play, I understand that I didn't want to play either but, Hermione forced me. Malfoy was there as well, which was annoying and distracting. He  currently pleading with Pansy to let him not play but, was unfortunately dragged into the circle.

The people who were playing sat in a circle sitting on pillows. Some looking nervous and others excited.

Hermione pulled it out of her bag and handed some to each of us. What am I doing?! Am I really about to drink truth serum and spill all my secrets. Without another thought I downed the potion and waited for someone to start the game.

I eyed Draco up and down he seemed nervous his hands were twitching and his legs bouncing, his crystal like hair falling into his eyes. 

He was so very attractive. 

I hate that I thought that.

I hope nobody asks me anything on the topic of Draco he can't know I find him attractive or that I'm gay I haven't told anyone, I don't want for there to be more reasons for people to make fun of me.

Hermione started the game, "umm Luna truth or dare?" 

"Truth." Replied Luna.

"Have you ever kissed a girl?" Hermione looked excited waiting for her answer. 

Perfect, the first question of the game is already about sexuality, I really am in for it.

"Yes I have." Her eyes widen like she didn't mean to say it but she shrugged it off. "I guess we know the truth potion is working." Luna said airily. 

"Okay Luna now you ask someone." 

Hermione whispered into Seamus's, who nodded with a devious glint in his eye, and passed it onto Dean and then was carried all the way to Pansy.

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