"Thank you," I say politely.

"How long have you been here?"

I've done this too many times to count, I know she's trying to warm us up, make us comfortable by asking unemotional questions that sound like we are talking to a friend.

"Umm, a while," I respond, I've mastered the art of never really answering a question directly but there is a purpose for the interview today and I need to try and open up a little.

"Well, congratulations on your recent nuptials," she begins and Olivia stiffens beside me.

"Thank you for that as well," I say with a smile, knowing I'm giving her the confirmation she is searching for.

"Tell me about the wedding day," she leads.

"Uh, well," I start, glancing at Liv but the camera shutter goes off in rapid fire causing her head to snap in its direction.

"S'alright darling," I whisper almost inaudibly but it triggers the woman to start typing again.

"The wedding was here actually, really small, only our closest friends and family," I don't go into details about the fact it was a surprise or how long we had been engaged and she seems content with the answer.

"Sounds lovely and private," she prompts me, knowing she is bating me to start taking about the phone incident which is exactly what we want.

"It would have been, yes." I smirk and this time she smiles back.
"You're referring to the incident recently where your phone was hacked and private photos, including your wedding photos, were leaked to the world?"

"Yeah," I drag out the sound, "was a pretty awful thing to have happen, to be honest."

"You are normally not a very public couple, many debating if you were actually a couple at all until the photos were published, how has it affected you both?"

"It's been hard, because it has affected not only us but our family and friends as well. I've always been private but Olivia is even more so than me," I look at Liv and she gives me a tiny smile that touches her eyes and the camera flutters again.

"She may be the most private person I've ever met actually, and it feels like this crime, which first and foremost it is a crime, has taken that away from us." My voice is stern and aggravated.

I can feel my jaw clench at the subject and Liv rubs soothing circles into the back of my hand with her thumb.

"So, why have you decided to speak publicly now? What made you want to be sitting here with me today?" She asks a great question.

"Well, I was once told that it's hard to hate someone whose story you know, and all we deal with at the moment is hate, for no reason other than the fact we are together and happy. Maybe if people knew us a little better some of that will stop."

I run my fingers through my hair and the interviewer can tell I am getting irritated just thinking about what's happened to us so, like all the good ones do, she changes gear.

"I'm surprised there aren't more cues that this is a musician's house!" She says cheerfully, "usually, they are filled with instruments and framed platinum records and awards, on the tour you gave me before I noticed you don't even have a studio."

I shake my head in confirmation and see Olivia smile fondly out of the corner of my eye.

"Olivia, do you get to hear him play and sing around the house? Does he work a lot at home?"

It's the first time Liv has been asked a question directly and it happens to be one that I never answer. My heart leaps in my chest with the worry that in her nervousness she might say something about my grandfather or my personality that I would prefer to keep to myself.

"Umm, I guess he does sometimes, just casually plays or writes, but..." she starts with an unsure voice and I hold my breath. "he's just Harry at home."

My heart swells so much I fear it might actually burst with love when she subtly uses my promise to my grandfather without anybody being aware and I almost reach over and kiss her but thankfully the woman interjects.

"I'm dying to know how you two met," she leans forward, looking a little fascinated by the two of us and she's like a kid in a candy store when Liv and I both glance at each other causing Liv to giggle.

More photos are taken.

"We just literally bumped into each other at a grocery store," Liv says, clearly confident taking about the weirdness of that day.

"Oh wow! Was it love at first sight?" The woman asks and we both grin ridiculously at each other to the sound of the camera shutter.

"Was for me, at least," I joke cryptically and Liv laughs into the air.

"But we were mates first," I add, my eyes never leaving my wife and she nods in agreement.

"We were both seeing other people when we met... But I had to pick her up off the floor a few times," I tease and she swats my shoulder in jest.

"So did I," she retorts and I'm smiling so wide at her my cheeks hurt while she purses her lips together in an attempt to stifle hers.

The camera sounds again.

"Olivia were you dating Harry during his quite dark time a couple of years ago? There were rumours of drugs and alcohol abuse and a confirmed rehab stint if I'm not mistaken. How did you cope with that?"

Our faces drop and we both look back at the women in front of us.

Liv clears her throat and I know, of all things, she's not going to give away any information on this. My little guardian angel.

"It's difficult for anyone to live in the public eye, let alone having to go through anything personally challenging while doing so. It wasn't about me coping. My only focus, now and always, is Harry being safe and healthy and happy."

I don't care how many photos they take, I wrap my arm around her body and kiss her temple, once then twice.

I am so proud of her I could explode, a lump in my throat forming at the thought of how fucking lucky I am to have this incredible women by my side who, not only WAS there for me, more than any one else has ever been, but she also has just dealt with such a personal and detrimental question about it in the press like a fucking pro.

"Harry, tell me, was the album for her?" The woman asks, her smile soft as she regards our embrace fondly.

"Everything is for her."

This seems to please her as she types madly, before adding , "and will the new one be coming out soon?"

"Hopefully very soon. Working on it."

"I have one last question. You speak of the hate you both receive, which is honestly hard to believe. You seem like a lovely couple and great people. So, Harry, what do you have to say to those judging your personal life?"

I look at Liv briefly and bite the inside of my lip as I consider the question.

"Just... Treat people with kindness."


Look how much they are growing!!

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Warning only 2 chapters to go and an epilogue !!

Love u all,
Ruby x

Wish You Were Here - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now