Ask/Dare 6 - Fucking Lovely

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Thanks to Mother_Shadow for having a gr8 idea to screw with Marvul.


Halluciv blinked, reading the letter that had been for him. It had been taped to the door of his room with a little happy face drawn on the envelope. Below it, on the ground, had been his phone with a YouTube video up.


Halluciv picked up his phone, snorting in amusement at the 'vine'. Now, the real thing he was wondering was if he should use actual vinegar or not. Hm, he doubted it mattered, but he'll do it anyways.

He snuck downstairs, pleased with waking up before everyone else for once. Well, almost everyone. Dream and Nightmare were already downstairs, Nightmare clearly not liking the stack of letters on the table and glaring at it.

Halluciv opened the fridge, glad Dream was in the other room, and took the chance to get a water bottle and vinegar. Nightmare stared at him like he lost it as he poured the vinegar into the water bottle after emptying it. Nightmare looked away when Halluciv glanced at him, as if he was interrupting whatever he was doing and not really wanting to interfere with....that.

Soon Dream reentered the room, Halluciv looking normal as he pretended to sip the contents of the bottle. "What're you drinking?" Dream asked, noticing the off-colored tint of the drink. "Whiskey?" he suggested jokingly.

"No, it's vinegar."

"....what?" Dream stared at Halluciv, Nightmare beginning to audibly choke on air as he tried to stop laughing.

"It's vinegar, pussy-" Halluciv felt a little bad at seeing Dream's expression, but most of that vanished and was replaced with oh no when he heard rapid footsteps of someone running down the stairs.

Marvul sprinted into the room, Halluciv abandoning the bottle and soon being shaken by his brother. "HALLUCIV, WHO THE FUCK TAUGHT YOU TO CURSE?"

Nightmare completely lost it, dying in the corner at the priceless interaction.

"You did...." Halluciv said slowly. He honestly thought Marvul noticed his slip-up, but apparently not.

"What?! No!" Marvul looked like he was ready to murder Dream, as if the currently-panicking skeleton had done this and was at fault.

"L-last month you yelled at someone saying 'Hey! Watch your fucking language with my brother!'...." Halluciv pointed out slowly, starting to crack up at Marvul's unreadable expression.


The air was thick with pure awkwardness and tension, which was only intensified when Xcellence walked into the room.

Halluciv opened his mouth to say something, ignoring the glare from Marvul that could make anyone else cower. "....pussy."

Xcellence snorted at that and the look of Marvul wanting to strangle both of them. "....what? Oh, don't tell me you actually thought he didn't know curse words. He lives with a cannibal and two murderers for crying out loud."

Marvul hissed and lunged at him, Xcellence side-stepping and teleporting away elsewhere in the home. Most likely to save himself from being strangled.

Dream picked up the 'water bottle', tempted to know if it was actual vinegar. He took a small sip and immediately choked, spitting it into the sink and gagging at the disgusting taste. Oh, that was vinegar alright.

Nightmare was still dying, crying from laughter at this point. How nobody noticed him yet was a mystery.

At that moment two things happened.

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