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"No Cass, not right now" Omar says trying to get me off his lap. I woke up horny and this fool won't give me any.

      "Come on please" I beg in between kisses I was planting on his neck.

"No baby I got to get ready for work" he protest

       "I do to but we have enough time"

"No Cass"he says seriously. Thats when I knew he is still thinking about the news he got from Naya last night. I get off the bed and go to my closet to start to pick out my clothes. He sighs, he must think I'm mad but I understand. I wouldn't be having sex if I had a pregnancy scare.

"Cass..."I turn to face him


"I'm just trying to limit how much sex we have. Member you told me that me only having sex won't help me find the right girl"I think back to the talk we had when we would watch movies. Damn myself for giving advice.


"I think you might be her and I don't want to mess this up"Aww

       "I understand plus you got hit with that news last night and we don't need to get me pregnant to"

"Shit if anything I rather you be pregnant with my seed"

    "Pssh then no sex cause I'm not ready for children"I resume back to picking my clothes out.

"Wait hol up that doesn't mean not at all just not all the time" I chuckle

       "Yup" I say stripping down to my panties and bra before switching hard out my room.

"You damn tease!" I hear him yell and I laugh.

~                         ~                       ~

When I get out of the shower he was gone. He must of went home, I'll talk to him later. Today I go to the meeting and see if this approach is better than the last time.

"Thank you for giving me another chance to show that my product will be good for you and me. The numbers to it stay the same except the advertising. Mr. Seize I pondered on what you said and you are correct. The way I marketed needs to be different. So my idea is to bring real life customers who have used it for over a year. Who believes that it is a good product and also is affordable. We can not also make a commercial but have my team reserve a spot for a upcoming event in New York where we can show off my product. Your marketing name will be displayed on the table. Also we could even put your business card out"with all I had planned you would have thought it took me months but it only took me two days. Mr. Seize nodded his head and I was pleased by his expression.

        "Better and very great ideas. I knew you would come back with something good and what you had planned go well with what I set up. This week I have a hair store owner that would be pleased to meet you. We will email you the rest of the information. Well done Miss. Wright. Good day"he exits the room leaving me happy add ever. I wanted to stop him and hug him but sending a thank you basket is more appropriate.

~                        ~                        ~

I haven't talked to Omar since this morning and I called no answer. I texted and no text back. I'm not mad I just hope to hear from him tonight. I want to tell him about my trip to New York so that he will know. My flight is on Friday so I have some days to tell him. To get a step ahead I did some research for some other stores in New York and talked to them. Set up two other meetings so I can get more done while I'm there. This will be a good trip.


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