Eren let out a soft laugh and slowly opened his eyes, admiring Jean's features in the dim light. He couldn't help but be fascinated in a way. He never realized it before but Jean's eyes were a very pretty colour. It was like a light hazel, with little gold specks scattered across it like the night sky. If Eren were told to describe the season of Autumn, all he'd have to do is show them Jean's eyes. It was as if there was a universe behind them, hidden away for no one to see. He watched as those eyes flickered around the page, taking in the information of the book. Eren couldn't help but smile, but that smile quickly faded as he noticed Jean was looking at him with a confused expression.

"I think you should head off to bed, or at least get changed. You don't look so good." Jean said, quickly reading his page number then closing the book. "You're face looks quiet red." He murmured, being the oblivious idiot he is, and put his hand to Eren's forehead. "Are you sick?" He asked, feeling his head for a temperature.

Eren shook his head and stood up before he could get any more flustered. "I'll be okay." He responded quickly, rushing to get his clothes. "I'll just, go to the bathroom and get ready to sleep." He told Jean then walked off out the door.

Jean took this opportunity to get changed into his night wear. He wore a long pyjama top and plaid bottoms. He walked to the door and turned off the light using the switch. Then he found his way to the small lamp near the wall and turned it on. Jean wrapped himself in the covers he used for his bed and picked up his book again.

He heard the door open and looked up. Once he saw what was at the door his eyes widened and his jaw slacked. Eren was standing there, only wearing a long greenish shirt that just came down halfway on his thighs. His face was bright red and his eyes were staring somewhere else. "Uh Jean, I couldn't find anything in the cupboard to wear on my... bottom half." He muttered, twirling a finger in his hair nervously. He wasn't sure he had felt so embarrassed and vulnerable in his life. He held Jean's blanket tightly in one hand. He slowly looked up at Jean and turned even more red.

"Don't just sit there staring asshole! Get me some shorts or something! It's fucking freezing!" He snapped, throwing the blanket at the speechless Jean. He crossed his arms, his teeth chattering. Jean shook out of his thoughts and quickly stood up. "S-Sorry! I'll grab you some in the laundry room." He said rushing out the door, trying not to look at Eren as he walked past him. What was he expected to do? He was a teenager. A very, very gay teenager. Of course he won't admit it but, damn was he not internally blushing and thinking about Eren. Especially his legs, they were so nice and his thighs were plush and...

Jean, again, snapped out of his thoughts and walked into the laundry room. 'Think clean thoughts think clean thoughts think clean thoughts' He repeated in his head, looking through the basket until he found a clean pair of black shorts that would go down to the knee. He stood up again and head off back to the room, still repeating the words in his head. He walked inside and bit his tongue at the sight of Eren sitting on his mattress, a pout on his face and a blush on his cheeks. Jean chuckled and tossed him the shorts. Eren put them on as soon as his fingers touched them.

"It's not a big deal dude." Jean shrugged, walking to his mattress and sitting down. "It is when it's like 0 degrees!" Eren complained, wrapping himself in his own blanket. Jean just laughed and turned the lamp off before going into his own mattress. "Just be glad Erwin isn't here yet." He said with a smirk, looking up at the ceiling and covering himself with his blanket. It was warm from when Eren used it minutes ago.

Eren nodded in agreement and lay down, glancing over at Jean. He lay in a fetal position, his hands shaking. He squeezed his eyes shut, surprised he wasn't turning into ice. "Why is it... so so cold?" Eren asked quietly, moving around.

"It's not really, you get used to it I guess. If you're that cold you can come next to me. It'll probably be a lot warmer." Jean suggested, still staring up at the ceiling. He smiled when he heard a quiet murmur then the shuffling of feet then a figure towering over him. Eren had quite a red face and he was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Jean sat up, lifting the covers up so Eren could squeeze in beside him. It was a big mattress so they could both fit.

Eren climbed in beside Jean, being careful not to brush against him. He didn't want this to be anymore awkward than it already was. He lay down, his back facing Jean. "Thanks." He muttered, his eyes half open as he stared at the wall.

It was silent for a few minutes, all they could hear were each other's breaths. But it was Jean who broke the silence. "Eren...?" He whispered, rolling over so he was facing Eren's back. The brunette, who was still awake, hummed and turned around. "Yeah?" He asked, wondering what Jean needed.

"Can I tell you something? I've never really told anyone this. It's about what happened at the start of... this." He asked nervously, his fingers twitching. Eren's eyes widened and he nodded, wanting Jean to continue. "You can tell me." He whispered back. Suddenly the cold didn't seem so important anymore.

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