2.0 ✿ fire meets water

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WARNING : +16.
For those who are still innocent souls, not yet comfortable to watch/read intimate stuff, please do not try. I don't want you guys to be spoilt.

Bonne lecture!


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"Come on, get up now!"

Two pats on the bare shoulder, followed by a soft shake.

"You are going to be late if you don't wake up now," she called him again seeing him stirring a little.

He loudly moaned in slumber as he said, "Few more minutes, please!" lazily falling back on the mattress.

A sigh of annoyance, "If you are not up within two minutes, then I won't call you back. Straightly moving to the cold weapon."

"At one condition," he smirked as he turned back to face the beautiful figure of his beloved in front of him. "My morning bed kissie."

"First, go and clean your dirty mouth, then let me decide if I should give one or not," she casually answered, hiding the thin smile growing on her lips.

"Alright, your loss," saying so, he slid back under the sheet. "Good night!"

"Only him to wish 'Good night!' in the morning. Pagal insaan," muttered she, chuckling at his antics. (Mad guy)

Three... two... and, one.

"Damn it!" he woke up screaming loudly shivering under the effect of icy water, as promised within a couple of minutes. "You crazy woman, I would have had a heart attack because of you."

"Well... I have already informed you," said she with a lopsided grin, when she was thrown a pillow on her face. She slightly leaned forward and continued. "Don't be angry, janaab, it won't work. Now go and get ready quickly. Breakfast is ready."

He sighed, giving up against his wife. "Yes, ma'am.", as he replied with a sarcastic tone, making her giggle.

"Good morning, Bhabhi," Zoya was coming out of the kitchen when she heard someone calling her.

"Good morning, devar ji," she smiled as Arjun took a place around the table. "Coffee?"

"Bhabhi, why are you doing all this? Workers are there for that, right? You just sit and have breakfast with us."

"I got used to doing chores at home, Arjun. Don't worry, I am pleased to do all this.", she quickly replied as she poured the hot drink in his mug. "Well, then thank you. By the way, bhabhi, where is that elder brother of mine?"

"He just woke up, Arjun. Must be under the shower, now. Since he came back very late last night, he took some time. I would have let him sleep a little bit more if he didn't have another flight to catch today morning. Sometimes I don't understand his consequent schedules.", she sighed feeling for her workaholic husband.

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