42.0 ✿ i wished for us

497 28 24

Of course, once again, a loooooooong update. 👀

Bonne lecture!

02/06/2023 - Any June-born babies, here? 💜

// ∞ ௐ ∞ //

It was late at night. Sitting alone in the dark, Aditya was staring at the television wide-eyed, the football match going live, as he was unconsciously holding onto the bowl of snacks.

"Aditya, could you please come and give me a hand? What are you still doing here at this late hour?"

A frustrated Zoya came out of the bedroom, stomping on her feet while reaching the lounge area where her dear husband was busy checking out those annoying sportsmen. "Aditya, I am talking to you here. Are you even listening?"

"F—five more minutes, Zoya. It is almost done," he didn't bother to turn to look at her as he blankly replied, while he stayed focused on the screen. Unaware of his wife fuming at his reaction, he continued, "This is the crucial point of the game. You go."

She groaned to herself and walked back to the bedroom, leaving an oblivious man fanboying over his favorite.

"Come on, come on, come on!" he was cheering for the player who was to take the last penalty. "You can do it, man," he added while gobbling another popcorn in his mouth.

One last goal to determine the winning team.

Just one last–

"What the—" the screen was, all of a sudden, turned off—leaving him clueless about the result and he was about to burst his frustration out when he felt the weight on his lap. Hearing the cries, he immediately shut himself up before cussing.

"PAPA!" the little girl was crying heavily, rubbing her teary eyes with the back of her fisted hand before she looked back at the angry bird standing by the armchair glaring down at the duo. "Mum—mumma shco—d baby... mumma bad..." she whimpered as she turned to face her father.

"Arey!" conscious of the happenings, he held his kid up against his shoulder while rubbing her tiny back as he kissed the side of her head. "Aw, mumma didn't mean to scold my baby, please don't cry, love!" Then faking a strict tone, "Mumma, why did you scold my princess?"

"Um?" she raised a brow at his act while he discreetly shook his head, meaning he was just being playful. "Just... to console her, no offense," he gestured with his hand.

"Her Highness has been asking for you for a while and didn't want to listen to me when I put her to bed," Zoya summarized the issue as Aditya looked down at the kid. "You spoiled her enough that now she doesn't even want to sleep with me when you are home, and is now showing her tantrums. I am just so done, you know?" although calmer than earlier, she still sounded angry as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"Alright, I am sorry. Now please relax, your tense mood is not good for the baby," saying so, he raised his hand up to her small bump when she yanked his hand away before storming back to their bedroom.

"Get her to bed! I want her asleep before I come and check in a half an hour," her voice disappeared in the air as she left the room door open enough to peek in, while he mentally shook his head at her hormonal mood swings.

"Baby, time to sleep now, okay?" he lightly craned his neck to the kid's side as if reaching for her hearing and she obediently nodded her head in agreement—or mostly because of exhaustion causing her eyelids drop on their own.

His smile widened as he looked at his little princess drawn into her dreamland, looking so peaceful ; her tiny mouth was kept open for breathing. Both mother and daughter had that magical charm to grab his attention even while asleep and he could never help himself but leave a kiss of satisfaction on their foreheads.

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