"And why is that?" I responded, carefully taking a step backwards however he followed me and closed the distance.

Henry's cloudy eyes searched mine, his pupils dilated and large, rimmed with red. "Because I don't need a name when I can easily just recognise your pretty face."

I felt my façade slip off my face, my pupils narrowing into thin slits. Without another word he moved a hand to trail it up my exposed thigh, leaning forwards to angle his mouth towards mine.

I didn't think before I brought my hand across his face, the sound of skin to skin contact competing with the music. His reaction time was slow, so by the time he realised I had slapped him, I had turned away to blend into the surroundings teens. What a horny little bastard. As I moved forwards I stumbled slightly, only just managing to catch myself. Had the alcohol already gone through my system? I had only just took those shots moments before. The thought whisked away when I heard Henry call out for me, his voice mixing with the slurred noises of others. My heart surged with the sudden heat around my body and I turned away to search for some fresh air. I have to get my bearings; I need some water.

It took me several minutes to find the outside area and by the time I got there, my hair was clinging to my flushed face, and my hands were trembling. I looked down at them, trying to understand the meaning behind their unsteadiness but the thought didn't linger and soon my worry disintegrated. I should be feeling something, I should concentrate on finding Aleena, but the prospect of my intentions seemed to be one of effort, and all I could concentrate on was cooling my body. I heard a splashing noise and whipped around to see a large pool, full of people laughing and cheering. Water, coolness, a form of liquid that would quench the heat of my body. My veins were singing, causing sweat to trickle down my spine. I bent down and took off my shoes, letting them slide off my feet. I unzipped my dress clumsily, ignoring the way my fingers shook with the effort. I heard a couple of guys cheers and I glanced up to see them grinning at me from the pool. I attempted to smile back but my vision clouded slightly. I blinked it back to stride towards the pool.

"Now this is a sight I didn't know I needed until now," I heard someone yell from the sidelines of the pool. I scanned my eyes to see the speaker, identifying one of my classmates from HPE smile at me. I knew I should be reacting to his words, I knew I would never allow myself to be spoken like an object but my mind was only concentrating on the pool in front of me and the way blue lights under water turned the bubbles purple. I climbed in, relishing the way the water lapped at my feet. I didn't think, didn't second guess myself as I tumbled into the pool, feeling the water sweep me into its embrace. I allowed myself to delve in the coolness before rising back to the surface. Plastic cups were dully floating on the surface. As soon as I sucked in a breath all the guys roared with delight. I felt a bubble of laughter escape my mouth and I pushed at the wet from my face. Although my body still radiated with heat, the water had cooled me down significantly.
My toes scathed the bottom of the pool and I glanced behind me to see a stranger approach me. He had soft blue eyes that seemed like a juxtaposition to his curly black hair that streamed with water. He was slightly taller than me, his movements rippling the water as he neared. His pale skin reflected in the moonlight, illuminating the droplets that cascaded down his chest.

He flashed me an amused smile. "Like what you see?"

Normally I would snap back a sour comment but my words slid out of my mouth without a second thought. "Yeah actually." My confidence was alarming but I told myself I shouldn't be complaining.

He laughed, a loud, stocky laugh. It didn't sound as nice as Aarons laugh. His made you want to join in, this guy's made me blink rapidly.

His eyes scanned my chest, his pupils blank with drunkenness. "What are you going to do about it?" He asked smugly and stepped closer to me. I smelt chlorine mixed with a sickly sweet substance.

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