Give my regards to broadway

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Lunch is the second best part of school, first is leaving!

Derek brought a lunch but he wasn't eating, he was doing homework, like how am I supposed to feel good about myself if he's too perfect?!"

"Aren't you going to eat?"I asked.

He didn't answer. He does that sometimes when he's too concentrated, I wonder what he was thinking..probably "hehe Jamey is such a looser he probably thinks I'm studying"...yeah that's it. I slammed my hand on the table which made him flinch.

"What the hell?"He asked.


"Just a sec"He said continuing, I really should take the book from him "Can't you eat first?"I asked.

He shrugged.

"So..My house after school?"I asked.

"I have work till seven"He said.

"Geez"I said "How many jobs do you have now?"I asked.

"Just two, I got fired remember?"

"Why's that again?"I asked.

"Yelling at a customer or something"He said. I laughed.

"Do you need a ride?"I asked.

"Nah, It's not that far"He said.

"You're sixteen, you shouldn't be working so much"I said.

"We can use the money"He said "Besides it's really not that much work".

Derek never explained his past to me, I wish I knew more about it.

"Who's we?"I asked.

"Hey guys guess what" Wilbur said, Wilbur is the nicest and most talented guy in class he's magnificent.

"What?"Derek asked unenthusiastically (I used a looong word right Good job me)

Wilbur turned to me "The high school is putting on a production on Little Shop of Horrors."

"wow...tell someone who cares"Derek said.

"I care!"I said.

"I'm very excited Personally"Wilbur said there's a sign up sheet in the library"He smiled which kinda made me blush.

"What's that?"I asked.

"Ancient internet"Derek said.


"See you later guys"He said then left. Derek looked at me and smiled, as I just stayed still trying so hard to stop blushing.

"What?"I asked.

"You're hot for Wilbur"He said.

"N-no I'm not!"I said. Honestly I don't know how I feel about anything.

"Mmhmm"He just looked away.

"Do you think he likes me?"I asked.

"Maybe"He said "When will you finally come out?"He asked.

"My brother is still here dude, he'll tell my parents"I said.

"Oh yeah, and that's why you're not trying out for the musical?"He asked.


The bell rang and we started to get to our other classes. Derek didn't even eat he just threw his food away. "Trying out for a musical doesn't mean you're gay"He said.

"Yeah, but better not risk it"I said.

"Ok"He shrugged.

"Do you think I should ask Wilbur out when I finally...come out?"I asked.

"I don't care what you do with your life"He said, obviously lying because he's trying to be cool or something.

"When are you going to ask Helen out?"I asked.

"Never"He said. Walking into class.

"Why not?"I asked.

"Mr Terrence, Mr Korins, glad you can join us. Take a seat"Mr caster said. He may be harder on Derek and I but I thinkers because he likes us better. Derek and I always sat in the back row (Yeaaahhh we're edgy)

"Washington seems more extreme today"I whisper, I always love to compare life to Broadway musicals, if I was a Broadway character I'd be a mix of evan Hanson and john Laurence.

"You have to stop calling him That"Derek laughed silently. Derek would be a mix of Alexander Hamilton, JD and Connor Murphy because he's passionate, probably psycho, a bastard orphan, (son of a whore and a Scotsma- wait no he's he's also eDgY)

After school i was curious about something "Where are you working?"I asked Derek.

"Some pizza place"He said as he started to walk away.

"Hey um..derek, I want to be the kind of friend Evan Hanson could have been"I said.

"What?"He asked.

"From dear Evan Hanson"I said.

"Oh yeah the guy who's likes trees"He said.

I gasped "Awe you do listen"I was happy.

"Because you never shut up"He said.

Welp that lasted two seconds "Well I can help you, if you ever wanted to talk about it"I said.

"There's nothing to talk about, but thanks"He smiled then left. I could tell something was wrong with him, I just didn't know what. I've never been to his house, I've asked him about his parents before he just told me his life wasn't that interesting, I have a feeling it's depressing and he didn't want to bring me down.

I came home and I could just feel the shame and pressure, I wished Derek was here, He makes me feel better whenever he's around. I heard my mom screaming downstairs, yelling at my dad. I really wanted to run downstairs to see what was going on but I resisted the urge. I felt like cutting again but I resisted again because I knew Derek would get worried. (Yeah, he does that.)

I turned off the light, put my headphones on and suddenly...

"How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean."

Everything was peaceful again.




A/N: sorry this chapter is short, yea that's it lol 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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