«chapter four»

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They eventually got all the furniture and paint colors picked out after a long weekend of work. It was now Monday again, and Niall was excited to see Liam again.

"Liam!" Niall said excitedly. His face dropped though when Liam didn't turn to look at him. "Li?"

"One second," Liam tells Louis. He jogged over to Niall and pushed the boy up against the lockers. "What do you want, Niall?"

"Just wanted to talk. Why are you being so hostile?" Niall tried to lift a hand up to Liam's face. He wanted to carress his cheek, push his hair around, something.

"I told you we can't talk at school!" Liam felt so close to breaking, to yelling at the boy. But he didn't want to see Niall's eyes fill with tears just like he knew they would. "What part of that don't you get?"

The bell rang and Niall tried to shurg himself out of Liam's grip. "I'll see you in class. Don't forget we're supposed to visit the house today." He slowly walked back away from Liam to gather his books for first hour.

"Why can I not do anything right?" Liam groaned, running a hand down his face. Now Niall was mad at him, and there was nothing he could do about it.


Liam never came into first hour. Niall was very vaguely paying attention to the teacher. He was more focused on the door and the empty seat beside him. Why hadn't he come to class? It wasn't becuase of Niall, was it?

Meanwhile, Liam stood outside with Louis and Zayn. He was twirling an unlit cigarette between his fingers. "Promise you won't hate me?" He almost whimpered. Liam didn't really like feeling weak in front of his friends, but he was really unsure of himself.

"Why would we hate you over who your boyfriend is? It's arranged, Liam. You have no control over it!" Louis laughed a bit. "We'll try our best to get along with whoever it is.'' Zayn nodded his head in agreement; his lips were still sealed around his fag.

"It's Niall," Liam mutters. he really didn't want to see the disappointment in his friends' eyes as they found out who it was.

"Didn't hear you, mate," Zayn spoke suddenly. "Speak up."

"I said it's Niall. Niall Horan." Liam looked down. He tried to tell himself that he wasn't embarrassed of Niall; he was only embarrassed telling his friends about Niall. But he was pretty sure those were the same.

"Wait. Is he the one that hangs out with that Harry guy? With the curly hair? Oh, that boy is a fine peice of ass!" Louis grinned, blowing out some smoke.

"You aren't mad? Or embarrassed to be seen with me or something?" Liam asked softly. The other boys looked up at him, startled.

"Why would we be embarrassed of you?" Zayn almost yelled. "You can't help who your parents picked for you. And besides, Niall always looked like a nice guy. He has a crush on you."

"He does?"

"He does, mate," Louis interjected. "And we aren't mad, just tell us next time!" He ended all conversation by giving Liam a firm slap on the head.


After first hour, Liam showed up to all of their classes, looking significantly happier than he had that morning. Niall wondered why. He wanted to try and talk to Liam, to ask why he was so happy. But he stayed quiet and stole little glances at the boy whenever he could.

Now school was over and Niall was in the car with his parents on the way to his new home. The furniture was yet to be delivered, but the walls were painted and all the appliances that they were lacking had been installed.

"Is Liam coming?" Niall asked after ten minutes of waiting for the boy. He was becoming fed up with the fact that he was late.

"He's supposed to. They're just running a little late, Niall. Let's go check out the house," Maura suggested, towing Niall into the home.

"Oh," Niall gasped as he entered the doorway. It was huge! High ceilings and wooden floors and a grand-looking staircase. The kitchen alone must have been bigger than Niall's bedroom he was in now. "This is going to be fun to cook in," he said softly, running his hands along the granite countertops.

Niall, Maura, and Bobby had made it upstairs and were looking at the master bedroom when the doorbell rang. "I'll go get it," Niall volunteered. Before his parents could argue, he was out the doorway and down the stairs. "Hel-oh..." Niall said confusedly when he opened the door. "You know this is your house too, right? You don't need to ring the doorbell."

"I know," Liam said softly, pulling a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. "But I wanted to apologize, formally. I figured this would probably be the best way to do it. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like I did."

"It's okay." Niall took the flowers from Liam's hand. "You told me that we weren't going to be able to talk in school anyway."

"That was only till I told Zayn and Louis! And I told them. I told them and now we can hang out and hug and kiss all we want. If you forgive me, of course. What I did was pretty stupid." Liam looked down at his feet. He felt ashamed that he would ever treat Niall like that.

"Of course I forgive you. It was something stupid, anyway." Niall felt a smile grow across his face as Liam pulled him into a hug. "I forgot to tell Harry."

"You won't believe what Louis said about Harry this morning!" Liam gasped suddenly. "He said that Harry was a 'fine piece of ass'!"

"Harry's been hung up on him for so long," Niall grinned. "You think they'll be set up?"

"They're the only two left. i

I don't see why they wouldn't. Show me the house?"


my ending are always horrible

and i'm really fucking tired

my head hurts

i'm just gonna go watch low budget movies on syfy and pet toby

oki bai

1036 words


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